mexican revolution

  • Porfiristas

    Porfírio Díaz begins his second term as president of México and modifies the constitution to stay in power
  • Magonistas

    Brothers Ricardo and Enríque Flores Magón make plans in El Paso for an anarchist movement; the plan fails
  • Maderistas

    Díaz runs for reelection but when Francisco I. Madero enters the race, he has Madero put in jail and wins the election
  • Villistas/ Orozquistas

    Villistas/ Orozquistas
    Madero’s troops, under the direction of Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Pascual Orozco, attack federal troops in Ciudad Juárez as hundreds of El Pasoans watch from rooftops and train cars; this Battle of Juárez lasts for three days
  • Zapatistas

    Emiliano Zapata drafts the Plan de Ayala that denounces Madero, recognizes Orozco as the leader of the revolution, and calls for land reform
  • Carrancistas

    Venustiano Carranza drafts a Plan de Guadalupe that accuses Huerta of restoring a dictatorship and committing treason
  • Villistas/ Zapatistas

    Villistas/ Zapatistas
    Villa and Zapata break from Carranza and continue to challenge him
  • Carrancistas

    A new Mexican Constitution is drafted and Carranza is elected president