Election Year
Election year when anti-Díaz forces coalesced against his re-election -
Díaz runs for reelection but when Francisco Madero enters the race he has Madero put in jail and he wins the election. -
(October) Madero escapes to San Antonio, TX, where he drafts the Plan of San Luis Potosí that calls for the overthrow of the Díaz regime. -
Viva la Revolución!
The Revolution begins with insurrections in several states in northern Mexico; over the next decade thousands of Mexicans flee to El Paso and the U.S. -
Madero wins election to the Mexican presidency. -
Battle of Juarez
Madero’s troops, under the direction of Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Pascual Orozco, attack federal troops in Ciudad Juárez as hundreds of bystanders watch from rooftops and train cars; this Battle of Juárez lasts for three days. -
Having lost in Juárez, Díaz resigns and flees to Paris, France -
Plan de Ayala
Emiliano Zapata drafts the Plan of Ayala that denounces Madero, recognizes Orozco as the leader of the Revolution, and calls for land reform -
Breaking alliances
Orozco breaks his alliance with Madero, who assigns Villa and Victoriano Huerta to combat Orozco’s rebels in the north. -
Coup against madero
Huerta joins with Felix Díaz (Porfirio’s nephew) and Bernardo Reyes in planning a coup against Madero. -
La Decena Tragica
During ten tragic days (“La Decena Trágica”) in Mexico City, the forces of Huerta, Díaz, and Reyes attack Madero’s army -
New president!
Huerta assumed the presidency. -
Madero, his brother, and his vice president are killed. -
Plan de Guadalupe
Venustiano Carranza drafts a Plan of Guadalupe that accuses Huerta of restoring a dictatorship and committing treason; Carranza calls for a return to the values of the Constitution of 1857 and his supporters are called Constitutionalists. -
Sending troops
U.S. president Woodrow Wilson sends troops to occupy Veracruz, Mexico -
huerta's defeat
Villa’s forces defeat Huerta’s forces in Zacatecas and Hurta resigns -
Villa and Zapata break from Carranza and continue to challenge him -
Carranza's flee
Carranza flees to Veracruz, where he negotiates the removal of U.S. troops -
The U.S. recognizes Carranza as Mexico’s president -
Los de abajo
Mariano Azuela writes Los de abajo (The Underdogs), the first novel about the revolution, in an adobe home in El Paso. -
Battle of Celaya
Carranza’s supporters, under the direction of Álvaro Obregón, defeat Villa at the Battle of Celaya -
No Villa
U.S. General John J. Pershing leads 10,000 soldiers into Mexico in a “Punitive Expedition” that fails to capture Villa. -
Anglo residents in El Paso attack Mexicans in a race riot -
Zimmermann note
Zimmermann note deciphered and published -
New Constitution!
A new Mexican Constitution is drafted and Carranza is elected president. -
Zapata is dead
Zapata assassinated by order of Carranza -
Villa is defeated at the last Battle of Juárez; Zapata is assassinated at Chinamecca. -
A new president
Obregón is elected president of Mexico. -
Carranza is dead
Carranza is murdered -
a new syndicate
The Syndicate of Technical Workers, Painters and Sculptors founded -
R.I.P Villa
Pancho Villa assassinated by order of Obregón -
August Bucareli Agreement signed -
De la Huerta revolt -
Calles elected president -
Siqueiros painted his murals The Myths and Burial of a Martyred Worker at the National Preparatory School -
Church is restricted
Calles introduced laws which restricted the Catholic Church -
cristero rebellion took place -
R.I.P Obregón
Obregón is assassinated -
Calles created the National Revolutionary Party (PNR) -
New President
Cárdenas elected president -
President Cárdenas nationalized the petroleum industry -
PNR transformed into Party of the Mexican Revolution (PRM) -
Cedillo Rebellion began and lasted until January 1939 -
Good Neighbor
US Good Neighbor Policy instituted by President Roosevelt -
The End
Trotsky murdered in Mexico City Ávila Camacho became president