Mexican Revolution

  • The National Anti-Reelection Party was created

    The National Anti-Reelection Party was created
    On this date the National Anti-Reelection Party (PNA) was created on the initiative of Francisco I. Madero. This party had as its motto "Effective Suffrage, No Reelection" and its main objective was to participate in the presidential elections of Mexico having Madero as a candidate.
  • The beginning of the Mexican Revolution

    With the objective of putting an end to the re-election and illegitimate government of Porfirio Díaz and making way for the establishment of a democratic system, Francisco I. Madero led an armed uprising that marked the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.
  • Porfirio Diaz leaves the presidency

    Due to social and political pressure and even the aging of Porfirio Díaz and his cabinet, the then President of the Mexican Republic left power. Just six days later -May 31- he left the country with his family aboard the famous ship Ypiranga towards Paris.
  • The beginning of a new armed movement.

    The beginning of a new armed movement.
    After Francisco I. Madero became president of Mexico, he did not fulfill his campaign promises such as the distribution of land to the peasants. Because of this, Emiliano Zapata, known as the Caudillo del Sur, launched the Plan de Ayala. In this the government of Madero was unknown and the beginning of a new armed movement was declared.
  • The stage known as the “Tragic Ten” began.

    The stage known as the “Tragic Ten” began.
    After General Bernardo Reyes, Madero's ally and sympathizer, was assassinated, the stage known as the “Tragic Ten” began. At the same time, Félix Díaz and Manuel Mondragón led a coup that culminated in the overthrow of Madero and the arrival of Victoriano Huerta to the presidency.
  • The pact of citadel

    On that dark day, Félix Díaz and Victoriano Huerta signed the Pact of the Citadel, also known as the Pact of the Embassy.
  • The arrest of Francisco I. Madero and Vice President José María Pino Suárez

    As a consequence of the coup d'état, Francisco I. Madero and Vice President José María Pino Suárez had been arrested with the promise of exile. However, on February 22, 1913, they were assassinated.
  • Huerta takes power

    Huerta takes power
    After Huerta seized power illegitimately and treacherously and with the support of the United States and its ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, Venustiano Carranza proclaimed the Plan of Guadalupe. This declared the creation of the Constitutionalist Army and the discontent towards the Huerta regime.
  • Pancho Villa joins the constitutionalist army

    Pancho Villa joins the constitutionalist army
    In order to increase their forces, Francisco Villa, also known as Pancho Villa, and the Division of the North, joined the Constitutionalist Army of Venustiano Carranza.
  • They defeat Huerta

    The Constitutionalist Army managed to defeat Huerta. The latter resigned from the presidency and went into exile in the United States.