Porfirio Diaz takes on second term
President Porfirio Diaz took on his second term and modified the constitution, giving him the ability to stay in office as long as he pleased. -
Victor Ochoa
Victor Ochoa (editor of Hispano-Americano), becomes the first to initiate a revolutionary movement against President Diaz. -
Francisco I. Madero
Francisco I. Madero ran against Diaz in the election and Diaz threw him in jail. Madero escapes in the same year and once he reaches San Antonio, Texas, he lays out a plan to overthrow Diaz. -
Period: to
Mexican Revolution
The Revolution Begins
Insurrections begin in the states of Northern Mexico and give a start to the revolution. -
Headquarters Established
Madero sets up headquarters for the revolution in offices 507-508 (Caples building in El Paso). -
Battle of Juarez
The successful attack of federal troops in Ciudad Juarez by Madero's troop (under the direction of Francisco Villa and Pascual Orozco) in a three-day battle, was one of the major battles within the revolution. -
A new President
Madero wins the Presidential election of 1911 and becomes the first president since Diaz but war continues. -
Diaz Resigns
Given the loss of the battle and troops in the Battle of Juarez, Diaz decides to resign and flee to Paris, France. -
Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano Zapata denounces the new president within the same year and goes on to declare Orzoco as the actual face and leader of the revolution. Within his new plan named the "Plan de Ayala", he called for land reform. -
Orzoco and Madero split
Orzoco seperated him and his troops from that of Madero when he assigned Villa and Victoriano Huerta to fight against his troops in the North. -
La Decena Tragica
Due to the new alliance and plan between Huerta, Felix Diaz (the nephew of the prior dictator), and Bernardo Reyes, a great battle came about in Mexico city. The "ten tragic days" resulted in the deaths of Madero, his brother, and his vice president Jose Maria Pino Suarez. -
Huerta becomes President
Given the death of Madero, Huerta was able to take on the presidency. -
Plan de Guadalupe
Venustiano Carranza developed Plan de Guadalupe which consisted of an accusation against Huerta claiming that he has restored the dictatorship and committed treason. Within the plan, Carranza asked for the values of the constitution to be restored and was able to gather a few supporters called Constitutionalists. The actions of this plan later caused Villa to attack Huerta's troops in what is known as the second battle of Juarez. -
American Occupation
President Woodrow Wilson sent troops to occupy Veracruz, Mexico. Often seen as America intervening in Mexican affairs. -
Huerta resigns
After Villa's "revolutionaries" set offices within First National Bank of El Paso, they defeat Huerta's troops in Zacateca which results in his resignation. -
Carrazana's attempt at presidency
Due to the resignation of Huerta, Carranza claimed the presidency but struggled to obtain the title for nearly a year. In September Villa and Zapata seperated from Carrazana and began to fight against him. -
Removal of U.S. Troops
Carrazana fled to Veracruz to negotiate the removal of U.S. troops stationed there. -
Villa and Zapata are defeated
Supporters of Carrazana defeat Villa's troop in the battle of Celeya and Zapata's troops are later defeated in May. -
Carrazana Returns
Carrazana returned to Mexico city. -
The United States recognized Carrazana as the president of Mexico. -
Train Attack
Supporters of Villa attacked a train in Santa Ysbel, Chihuahua and killed 17 Americans. -
Race Riot Attack
Mexicans in a race riot were attacked by Anglo residents in El Paso. -
Raid in New Mexico
Villa's troops raided Columbus, New Mexico and later causes the U.S. General John J. Pershing to lead 10,000 solidiers into Mexico but they fail in their mission of capturing them. -
New Beginnings
A new constitution is drafted and Carrazana is finally elected the president of Mexico. -
The End of Villa and Zapata
Villa was defeated in the third and final Battle of Juarez and Zappata was later assassinated Chinamecca. -
Obregon is elected
Obregon was elected President of Mexico. Prior to this, Obregon was responisble for the defeat of Villa at the battle of Celaya.