Mexican Revolution

  • Major Events

    Major Events
    Porfirio Diaz's rule (1876-1910),
    Francisco I. Madero's presidency (1911-1913),
  • The Point of this Revolution

    The initial purpose of the revolutionary movement was to overthrow General Porfirio Diaz who had been in power form more thank 30 years.
  • Causes Of The Mexican Revolution

    • The dictatorship-like rule of Pofirio Diaz for over 30 years
    • Exploitation and poor treatment of workers
    • Great disparity between rich and poor
  • Leaders of Government or Opposition Groups

    Francisco I. Madero had to fight against Porfirio Díaz due to the fact that it had to do with armed races
  • More Causes

    The Mexican Revolution was a complex and bloody conflict which arguably spanned two decades, and in which 900,000 people lost their lives. What was the cause of such a persistent uprising and ultimately did the end justify the means?
  • Presidents at the time

    President Wilson
  • End Result

    There is not an exact number of casualties due to the revolutionary war but it is calculated that between 1 and 2 million people died.