Mexican American War

  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    This was important because it was when they attacked General Santa Anna and he signed the treaty which supposedly gave Texas away but then the Mexican congress immediately rejected the treaty.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    This is significant because since Great Britain was already signing treaties with Texas and the U.S was scared that the British might unite with Texas witch they thought they would eventually challenge the U.S. so they decided to ignore the Adams-onis Treaty and voted to annex Texas as the 28th state in the U.S.
  • U.S. Takes California

    U.S. Takes California
    The U.S navy attacked the cities of Monterey and Los Angeles and then three weeks after the Bear Flag revolt, U.S claimed possesion of California. In my opinion this is important because this is how Mexico lost another one of their countries.
  • Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo
    This is important because U.S and Mexico signed a peace treaty which granted U.S title to almost half of Mexico's territory and set the border at the Rio Grande.
  • Battle at Chapultepec

    Battle at Chapultepec
    10,000 U.S. troops in Veracruz fought their what to Mexico city at Chapultepec Castle, which lead to the Battle at Chapultepec where General Santa Anna surrendered. This is important because this event led for the end of the Mexican American War.