Remember your regiment  u.s. army in action series  2d dragoons charge in mexican war 1846

Mexican American War

  • Mexican Independance

    Mexican Independance
    Starts 1810, ends 1821, September 16. They fought over 10 years for their independance.
  • Texas independnce

    Texas independnce
    The struggle for independence of Texas took place ove many years, althought the actual war tht acieved independance from Mexico was relativy brief, Steven Austin won mexican Government approval to bring American Families into texas.
  • Stephen Austin Settles Texas

    Stephen Austin Settles Texas
    By late 1825, Austin had brought the first 300 familes to his settlement .
  • Texas declares independence

    Texas declares independence
    The formal declaration of independence of the Republic of Texas from Mexico in the Texas revoultion.
  • The battle of the Alamo

    The battle of the Alamo
    A pivotal point in the texas revolution
  • The battle of San Jacinto

    The battle of San Jacinto
    The decisive battle of the Texas revolution, about 630 of the Mexican soldiers were killed and 730 captured while only 9 texans died
  • Texas annexation

    Texas annexation
    This was the incorperation into the United States of America of the Republic of Texas, which was admitted to the union as the 28th state.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    An armed conflict between the united states and the centralist Republic of Mexico.
  • The treaty of Guadalupe Hidage

    The treaty of Guadalupe Hidage
    This offically entitled the treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement between the United States of America ad the Mexican Republic.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    A 29,640 square mile region of present day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that was purchased by the United states in a treaty signed by James Gadsden.