Celeste Villagrana 1960-1969

  • Jan 1, 1960 VIVA Kennedy

    Jan 1, 1960 VIVA Kennedy
    John F. Kennedy runs for president, running against Lyndon B. Johnson. Dr. Hector Garcia gets the "viva kennedy" groups to narrow Kennedy's victory. October 24th, a ship called City of Havana flee'd over 200,000 cubans to Miami.
  • 1960 Jesus Rafael Soto (Art)

    1960 Jesus Rafael Soto (Art)
    Soto's artwork dealt with pure abstraction, color theory, and dynamic between the background and foreground. He was influenced by a Russian artist.
  • 1962 Let's Dance (Art)

    1962 Let's Dance (Art)
    Chris Montez records his first song "Let's Dance" on the Monogram label. It become very famous in the U.S. and eventually number one hit in England.
  • 1962 Gabriel Orozco

    1962 Gabriel Orozco
    Gabriel is a Mexican artist, while gaining interest in drawing, photography, and sculptures.
  • 1963 Chicano Rock

    1963 Chicano Rock
    Rock music performed by Mexican American groups to express their Chicano culture.
  • 1964 Kika de la Garza

    1964 Kika de la Garza
    First hispanic to break through the barrier of Anglo-American political dominance in the South Texas district. His goal was to strengthen and support committees in the House.
  • 1964, Ruben Ortiz Torres

    1964, Ruben Ortiz Torres
    Mexican photographer, painter, sculptures, film, and video producer.
  • 1965 National Farm Labor

    1965 National Farm Labor
    Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) and the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) turned from workers rights organization into union. This happened because of series of strikes that occurred.
  • April 1965 Integration of Latin America (Art)

    April 1965 Integration of Latin America (Art)
    A mural piece of artwork painted by a Mexican artist named Jorge Gonzalez. He created this in order to recount the unity between Latin American people and culture throughout history.
  • 1965 El Teatro Campesino (Art)

    1965 El Teatro Campesino (Art)
    The main goal for this group is to create popular art with the 21st century. To encourage the younger generation to take control of their own destiny through art.
  • 1965 Cannibal & Headhunters (Art)

    1965 Cannibal & Headhunters (Art)
    This group of men were the first Mexican-American band to record on the Rampart label. They performed phenomenon music and received international attention.
  • 1966 Jose Feliciano (Art)

    1966 Jose Feliciano (Art)
    Jose was a blind Puerto Rican singer and songwriter, best known for his hits that got him famous.
  • 1967 I am Joaquin (Art)

    1967 I am Joaquin (Art)
    I am Joaquin is a very famous epic poem in the United States. This poem came out after the Chicano movement. The poem discusses the movement and some serious events that occurred.
  • 1967 Los Vendidos

    1967 Los Vendidos
    Luis Valdez wrote this one-act play, and was first performed in East Los Angeles.
  • 1967 Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

    1967 Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
    Rafael is a Mexican-Canadian electronic artist. He works with technology and theater performances.
  • March 6, 1968 The Walkout

    March 6, 1968 The Walkout
    A walkout was planned amongst 10,000 students in a total of four high schools. They are supported by many parents and they continued for weeks until their demands were met.
  • Poesia, 1968

    Poesia, 1968
  • 1969 Denver Youth Conference

    1969 Denver Youth Conference
    This event occurred in March of 1969. A large scale of Mexican Americans met to discuss common issues of oppression, discrimination and injustice.
  • 1969 Sal Si Puedes

    1969 Sal Si Puedes
    This book was written about the struggle of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers. It discusses the struggle to organize farm labors in California.
  • 1969, Leopoldo Mendez

    1969, Leopoldo Mendez
    He was an important Mexican graphic artist and was famous in the 20th century.