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Chicano/Latino rights

  • Cesar chavez

    Cesar chavez
    Born:March 21st 1927(Arizona)
    Died: April 23 1993(Arizona)
    -Mexican American family
    -Moved to California after the great depression and his family became a migrant farm worker
    -He quite school in 7th grade
    -He worked in the field until 1952
    -He became an organizer for the community service organization (Latino group)
  • 1947 Mendez v Westminster

    1947 Mendez v Westminster
    • The Mendezes attempted to enroll their children at the Main Street School -The school refused the admission because they were Mexicans
    • Led by the Mendezes, the parents of the Mexican American children united against segregation
    • The Anderson Bill was passed and broke down the legalized segregation
  • Creation of the American GI forum in 1948

    Creation of the American GI forum in 1948
    -Dr. Gracia, who was a young veteran, opened a small medical practice in Corpus Christi
    - The purpose was to gain the Latino veterans equal rights in America
  • Cesar Chavez found the National Farm Workers' Association

    Cesar Chavez found the National Farm Workers' Association
    • In 1962, he found the National Farm Workers' Association(UFW)
    • In 1965, the group started strike and boycott against grape growers -The purpose of the boycott was to pressure the growers to recognize UFW
    • In July 29, 1970, 26 grape growers signed contracts recognizing the UFW
  • Reagan passed Immigration and Control Act

    Reagan passed Immigration and Control Act
  • Deferred Action for childhood Arrivals

    Deferred Action for childhood Arrivals
  • Accomplishments

    • The 1947 Mendez v. Westminster Supreme Court ruling declared that segregating children of "Mexican and Latin descent" was unconstitutional
    • the 1954 Hernandez v. Texas ruling declared that Mexican Americans were entitled to equal protection under the 14th amendment
    • In 1947 and 1950, the American GI Forum brought in new Hispanic voters and representatives
  • Problems or goals they continue to fight for today

    Problems or goals they continue to fight for today
    • Education: the drop out rate of the Latino students are three times higher than white students
    • Economy, jobs, income: huge wealth gap between Latino and non-Latino, unequal pay
    • Immigration: discrimination, unequal pay, insecure jobs and housing