In 2013, after the killing of Trayvon Martin, a hashtag began trending called #BlackLivesMatter, which created a movement and protest against police brutality and a movement for equal rights. This hashtag is still used today and most notably in 2015 when it gathered and led crowds to city hall in Baltimore. -
ISIS began its rise in 2015 through the use of social media. Mainly on Twitter and Facebook. ISIS created groups and forums on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr to receive funds, raise awareness and recruit anyone they could persuade to join. -
After Ronan Farrow released his New Yorker article on Harvey Weinstein, a hashtag called #MeToo began to gain popularity on Twitter. From late 2018 to even now the #MeToo is used almost daily with vast stories of women, but also men, sharing their stories on sexual assault and harassment. -
Hong Kong Protest
In 2019 Hong Kong was protesting a pro democracy movement however it was being heavily censored by the Chinese government. In order for information and videos to be shown of the protest, individuals began posting in forums, such as Reddit, and trying to get it on any Western social media pages. -
Serbia Protest
In 2019, Serbia began multiple anti government rallies. In order to promote it and make people aware of the protests they began to use Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #1of5million.