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red river resistance
The Metis-led red river resistance resulted in the manatoba act, passed by canada's parliament. The act established Manatoba as a bilingual province. -
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canada's government scrio
Canada's government issued scrip to the Metis, instead of establishing Metis lands in Manatoba. ni some cases it gave the metis a choice: to accept scrip or to become "treaty Indians" under a numbered treaty. -
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The Northwest risistance
The northwest resistance sought to Metis lands in what is now Saskatchewan. Canadians had - and have - diffrent interpretations of this event in canadian history. for the Metis, it wa sa way to assert their rights. For others - like canada's government at the time - it was an attempt to overthrow canada's authority. -
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Metis settlers established farms at St. Paul des Metis
Metis settlers established farms at St. Paul des Metis - near what is today St. Pual Alberta - on land provided by the catholic church. The metis did not have a title to this land, however, and had to leave when the settlement was closed. -
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L'Assocation des Metis de l'alberta et des Territoires du Nord-ouest
L'Assocation des Metis de l'alberta et des Territoires du Nord-ouest lobbied Albertas's government to set asside land for the Metis. Alberta's government passes the Metis population betterment act, which established twelve temporary Metis settlements. -
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Temporary settlement problems
The temporary settlements did not give the Metis comtrol of the land. When four of the settlements proved unsutible for farming, hunting or fishing, the settlements where closed. -
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Metis lobbied rights in canada
The Metis lobbied for recognition of Metis rights in canada's constitution. When the constitution was patriated, it included section 35, which recognizes the Metis as one of canada's first nations with rights -
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Metis recived settlements
Alberta's government enacted legislation under which the Metis recived the Metis settlements as a perminent land base with the rights to manage their own affairs. -
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Metis have right to hunt and fish
The supreem court ruled that the Metis have the right to hunt and fish as one of canada's Aborignal peoples under the constitution. -
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Two seprate negotiations
in Two seprate negotiations the Metis settlements genral council and the Metis nation of Alberta struck agreements with Alberta's government recognizing Metis hunting and fishing rights. -
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Metis launced cort case in Manitoba
the Metis launced cort case in Manitoba seeking compinsation for the land promised, but not delivered, in the manitoba act.