NASA selects Messenger
To learn new information about Mercury
NASA selected the MESSENGER mission to study Mercury.
MESSENGER was the name of the spacecraft -
NASA started
NASA started testing the spacecraft
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To make sure that the spacecraft would be able to perform its mission -
Messenger Moved
The Messenger moved to NASA Goddard space flight center for a final test
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The final stage before the launch to make sure everything is in order -
The Messenger was launched into space
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That the journey had begun and new information will soon be coming in -
Went by
The Messenger went by Venus
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To know that it is getting closer to Mercury. -
Went by Mercury
The Messenger went by Mercury
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That the spacecraft was at its destination -
First spacecraft
Messenger became the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury
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That after 5 plus years the mission is just getting started -
First Pictrure
NASA got their first pictrure of Mercury from a spacecraft
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That new information will be collected -
One hundredth orbit
The Messenger began it's one hundredth orbit around Mercury, since it arrived
It has preformed nearly 2 million comands
Way the event wss in portant
That Messenger has been working properly and collecting valuable data -
Got Through
The Messenger successfully got through the first of four "hot seasons" were temperatures up to 350 degress celtius
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That the design of messenger is working well