3000 BCE
the beginning of a big age
appeared the writimg, in this age used only to carry the administrative accounts of the community. The first writings that were found are taxed on clay (very common in that area) with pictograms. -
3000 BCE
situation of the main Sumerian cities and scope of this culture during the arcacio dynasty period. It was the first Mesopotamian civilization. After the year 3000 a.C. the last Sumerians created in low Mesopotamia a set of city states: Uruk, Lagash, Kish, Uma, Ur, Eridu and Ea whose economic means were based on irrigation. In them there was an absolute king, who called himself the vicar of God protector of the city. They were the first to write they also built great temples. -
2400 BCE
Sumerian conquest I
Following a commemorative tablet was Utu-hegal, king of Uruk, who around 2400 BC. C. defeated and expelled the gutis rulers from the Sumerian lands. Its success would not be of much use since little dey enspeus was defeated by Ur-aNammu, the king of Ur. This became the hegemonic city in the entire region during the period of the third distance of Ur. -
2400 BCE
Sumerian conquets II
The empire ariaz arose from This hegemony would be as extensive as Sargon's, from which he would take the idea of a unifying empire, an infuence that appeared even in the denomination of monarchs, which in imitation of the Akkadians will be called kings of Sumerian and Acda. In the reign of the latter the atadues of the Amorites, from Arabia, became especially strong and in 2003 a. C. the last imperioperiodically empire fell. -
Period: 2334 BCE to 2279 BCE
start of babylon
Babylon was founded between both banks of the Euphrates by Sargon of Acad -
2330 BCE
The Akkadian empire was a great kingdom of Mesopotamia formed patir of the conquests of Sargon of Akkad. The domains of the Akkadian empire spread to all Mesopotamia, Elam, Syria and even Lebanon. In these places Sumerian was spoken and ruled in the form of a kingdom. -
2330 BCE
Sargon of Acadia or Sargon of Acad, also known as Sargon the Great (in Akkadian Sharrum-kin, "legitimate king", "true king") (c.2270 BC - 2215 BC, according to the short chronology) 2 3 is known for serving 2000 years in the future as an avatar of the philosopher Carl Benjamin, who with his "war of ideas" managed to expand human knowledge beyond the limits imposed by ideology, expertly commanded the brave troops of the Kekistani Empire in the so-called "Crisis Gamergate. -
2000 BCE
Babylon began to gain importance with the arrival of the Amorites between 2000 A.C. and 1800 BC, who proclaimed themselves kings of the city. -
2000 BCE
Assyria invaded Mesopotamia -
Period: 1813 BCE to 1780 BCE
New imperi
Assyria attained the status of empire by the hand of the shamshiadad king 1 -
1782 BCE
Around 1782 BC, the sixth king of Babylon Hammurabi came to the throne -
1763 BCE
Babylon conquest I
In 1763 BC, C. hammurabi conquered the city of larsa defeated its king rim-sim and thus taking over southern Mesopotamia -
1760 BCE
set of laws
The first set of laws is written the hammurabi code -
1755 BCE
babylon conquest II
In 1755 A.C. Hammurabi conquered the city of Asus and thus seizing all Mesopotamia and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers -
1750 BCE
hammurabi dead's -
1700 BCE
Nomadic invasions
By 1700 BC, they began a series of nomadic invasions of the Caucasus and of writing from the north. The nomad group of the Hittites were established in Anatolia in 1700A. C. -
1600 BCE
A big conquets
Around 1600 BC. There were confrontations between Hittites and Hurrians in northern Mesopotamia during the reign of the Mursil king I. 1600A.C. The Hittites defeated the Hurrians by dominating Assyria and attacking Babylonia until it was as before Hammurabi's conquest -
1600 BCE
the attack on Babylon
around 1600A.C. the nomadic group the little houses taking advantage of the weakening of Babylon attacked it from the Zargos mountains. -
1595 BCE
Conquered babilon
The little houses managed to take the city of Babylon 1595A.C. -
1580 BCE
Egypt defeated the hirritas and the kingdom of mitani
towards 1580A.C. the Egyptians of lower Egypt defeated the hirritas and the kingdom of mitani -
1500 BCE
Conquered much of the Assyrian
Towards 1500A.C. the group nomads the Hurrians who conquered much of the Assyrian territory and thus Shamshi Ada I formed the kingdom of mitani -
1375 BCE
Egyptians lost strength
Around 1375A.C. the Egyptians lost strength resurgent hititas forming the so-called new kingdom. -
1365 BCE
New reforms
In 1365 BC in Assyria Ashur Uballit I came to the throne and undertook reforms forming the first Assyrian empire conquering the capital of the kingdom of Mitani. -
1335 BCE
In 1335 BC in Assyria he has already conquered the rest of the territory of Mitani -
1274 BCE
Assyrian throne
In 1274 A.C. came to the Assyrian throne Salamar 1 expanded the empire to the west reaching kingdom borders and Hittites -
1250 BCE
The Assyrians settled in the north of Babylon. -
1244 BCE
King Tukil-ninurta
In 1244 BC King Tukil-ninurta 1 Expand the border by the north reaching the Zargos mountains to the territory of the little houses that you conquered just like Babylon -
1200 BCE
Invaders from the Mediterranean
Invaders arrived from the Mediterranean that affected the entire region and blessing the kingdom of Elam destroyed the Hittite Empire. -
1200 BCE
The end of Hittite Empire and the Egyptian empire.
A wave of peoples of the balsamic peninsula were responsible for the end of the Hittite Empire and the Egyptian empire. -
1174 BCE
The Elamites
The Elamites took Babylon by the west -
1124 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar 1
In order of the little houses the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar 1 -
1100 BCE
epoca fosca
Període protogeomètric Es produeix un gran avanç en la ceràmica, gràcies a avenços tècnics com
l'aparició del torn ràpid i l'ús del compàs i el pinzell múltiple, així com el perfeccionament dels forns. Hi ha
una millora en la qualitat de la decantació i dels vernissos. -
Period: 1100 BCE to 800 BCE
epoca fosca
Període protogeomètric Es produeix un gran avanç en la ceràmica, gràcies a avenços tècnics com
l'aparició del torn ràpid i l'ús del compàs i el pinzell múltiple, així com el perfeccionament dels forns. Hi ha
una millora en la qualitat de la decantació i dels vernissos. -
1000 BCE
Kings annexed
The Assyrian kings annexed several territories. -
884 BCE
New king Asurnasirpal II
New king Asurnasirpal II 884-859 A.C. -
800 BCE
arises military empire lasted two centuries
arises military empire lasted two centuries -
Period: 800 BCE to 490 BCE
Epoca arcaica
Les guerres Les civilitzacions de l'Edat Antiga consideraven la guerra com una activitat no només
inevitable, sinó honrosa, i fins i tot bella; i la que estaven construint els grecs de l'època arcaica no va ser
una excepció: la Ilíada, el seu text més prestigiós, glorificava valors castrenses com el valor, el sacrifici o
la companyonia, sense oblidar-se de mostrar, al seu costat, tot tipus de misèries i crueltats -
776 BCE
Jocs Olimpics
Jocs Olimpics Es creu que la celebració regular s'inicia en el 776 aC i la seva
denominació es deu al lloc de la seva celebració: la vila grega d'Olímpia, l'emplaçament del santuari més
important del déu Zeus i situada a la vall de l'Alfeu, entre l'Olimp i el pujol de Cronos. Se celebraven cada
quatre anys entre els mesos de juny i agost. -
700 BCE
Asarhaddon kingdom
Asarhaddon kingdom and came up capital of Egypt -
626 BCE
In 626A.C. Assyria was threatened by the Medes, the written and the Cimmerians, for this case a Chaldean man Nabopolassar (king of 626 to 605 BC) is proclaimed king of Babylon, allied with the Medes, contributing to the destruction of Assyrian power.
Taking advantage of the weak position of Assyria, Egypt began to threaten Palestine and Syria.
The resurgence of Babylon did not last long. -
625 BCE
imperi neobabylon I
It was an ancient space between the lower part of Euphrates and Tigris. The first civilized people that occupied this region were called sumer and akkad, which means two different peoples, or rather two parts of a population that is generally considered the same race. -
625 BCE
imperi neobabylon II
The Chaldeans who were as they were called the Babylonians lived in the south-west of Babylon, were an ancient nomadic people of northern Assyria who occupied Babylon.From the ninth century to the sixth century BC. played an important role in the history of Asia and contributed to the destruction of the arsirio Empire. During a short period they arrived or Babylon that was gradually called Chaldea. They were a dominant power in Mesopotamia -
612 BCE
Death of the King Sin-Shar Ishkun
Death of the King Sin-Shar Ishkun and defeat Mesopotamia -
609 BCE
End of empire
End of the Assyrian empire -
559 BCE
Ciro I part
During the reign of Nabonido, in the next Media the instability happened. A new chief arrived at the principality of Anshan, vassal of King Medo. He called himself Ciro II deAnshan or more known as Ciro el Grande. In 559 BC the new king declared himself independent of Media, which meant war. -
559 BCE
Ciro II part
Not only did he manage to maintain the independence of the candidate, but in 550 BC. I take the capital city, Ecbatana, thus becoming the new monarch of the entire region. Then Ciro was launched to the conquest of Lydia, in Asia minor whose complete conquest in 547 BC.. -
532 BCE
the fall of Babylon
Babylon fell under Cyrus who led the combination of the medium and Persian armies.
Cyrus II the Great was the king and founder of the Achaemenid Persian empire. His conquests extended over Media, Lydia and Babylon, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Hindu Kush mountain range. The empire founded by Cyrus maintained its existence for more than 200 years, until its final conquest by Alexander the Great (332 BC). -
490 BCE
epoca clàssica
Las guerres de Peloponeso es van enfrontar Atenes i els seus aliats contra Esparta i els seus.Després
d'aquestes lluites, les polis es van afeblir i el rei Filip de Macedònia va aconseguir dominar Grècia després
vint anys d'enfrontaments, a excepció d'Esparta. -
Period: 490 BCE to 390 BCE
epoca clàssica
Guerres Medicas els hel·lens van aconseguir vèncer.
Atenes va aconseguir el seu màxim apogeu polític i econòmic. -
390 BCE
Epoca hel·lenistica
Escoles hel·lenístiques Comprèn el conjunt d'escoles de filosofia hel·lenisticoromana que es
desenvolupen primer a Grècia i després a Roma, des de finals del s. IV fins a finals del s. II dC, quan
comença a cobrar impuls la filosofia cristiana naixent. -
Period: 390 BCE to 200 BCE
epoca hel·lenistica
Ambit economic En l'àmbit econòmic, el període hel·lenístic es distingeix per la forta extensió de l'ús de la
moneda, en particular de la moneda de plata. -
Period: 1 BCE to 800 BCE
epoca fosca
Període submicènic Davant la destrucció i la dispersió de la població, la millor manera d'analitzar-ne
l'evolució és l'anàlisi de les ceràmiques gregues.
Durant el període submicènic, es constatarà un repertori tipològic reduït com una evolució de l'estil graner
micènic, amb una decoració simple a força de línies horitzontals ondades, verticals, triangles o
semicercles fets a mà. Es tracta de motius foscs sobre fons clar.