

By Alle
  • Sep 1, 1530

    Babylon is conquered by the Kassites

    Babylon is conquered by the Kassites
    Babylon is conquered by the Hittites. Soon after it is captured by the Kassites of the Zagros Mountains, their dynasty lasting for 435 years.The Kassites did briefly regain control over Babylonia with Dynasty V.
  • Hittites raid Babylon

    Hittites raid Babylon
    Mursilis, ruler of the Hittites raided Babylon and destroyed it's capital city. Mursilis, was aided by the Kassites in his oveerthrowal of Babylon. However it was the Kassites who took control of Babylon after Mursilis was assassinated post battle by relatives back home in the Hittite capital of Hattusha .
  • Hammurabi the king dies

    Hammurabi the king dies
    He became the sixth king in Babylon.He was the ruler of Akkad in Mesopotamia. He was following his fathers foot steps to becoming king. He was known for setting the Hammurabi code, while he was king. He had one son named Samsu-Luna.
  • First Amorites Move into Babylon

    First Amorites Move into Babylon
    The first settlers of Babylon, the Amorites. They were under their king Sumu-Abum established a few city-states. Invaders from the north, the Amorites maintianted control of the lands until the Assyrian intervention.
  • The Assyrians take control of Mesopotamia

    The Assyrians take control of Mesopotamia
    After being destroyed under Kassite and Elamite control.the Assyrians assumed control of Babylon and rebuilt it. Making it the capital of the Babylonian empire.
  • Sargon builds new capital at Dur-Sharrukin

    Sargon builds new capital at Dur-Sharrukin
    Tiglath-Pileser II creates a empire from the Persian Gulf to just at the boarders of Egypt. Sargon builds new capitol at Dur-Sharrukin. At first it is very popular and many people come to the new Capitol.
  • The great library

    The great library
    The Assyrians ruler builds a massive library. He builds it in the capital of Ninevah. They wanted to be able to keep lots of different paper records of things so they built it. It was the first library ever built in Mesopotamia.
  • Period: to


    Intersecting events that happen in Mesopotamia history.
  • Sargon dies

    Sargon dies
    webdsite Sargon ruled Sumiera for 35 years all the way to his death. Sargon ruled over Alot of places extending throughout Mesopotamia from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea in the north. He failed and conquered any times.
  • Sumerians invent first writing on clay tablets.

    Sumerians invent first writing on clay tablets.
    The Sumerians needed a way to record laws. Stories and trade so they developed a series of pictograms called, 'cuniform'. They used them to maintain there important documentations.
  • Ziggurats become temples of Gods

    Ziggurats  become temples of Gods
    website Ziggurats are large structures that were built in the middel of cities. It was started by the Sumerians. They wanted to show their devotion to their Gods so they built these to show that. These strutures were very big and finished at about 300 feet.