
  • Sep 1, 700

    Assuryian rule

    Assuryian rule
    After Nineveh was named the capital, the rulers of the land built a huge library there.Nineveh became the capital city of the Assyrian's land.
  • Sep 1, 1250


    The Assyrians eventually took back the land of Mesopotamia. They began using iron to make stronger weapons and chariots.
  • King Hammurabi

    King Hammurabi
    After the death of King Hammurabi the land fell apart. It was taken over by the Kassites.Hammurabi, the Babylonian king, took power of Mesopotamia.
  • The Assyrians come into power

    The Assyrians come into power
    The Assyrians came in and defeated the land's rulers, making Mesopotamia come under Assyrian rule. The time the Assyria s were in right now would be called the first golden age
  • the last stages of mesopotmia

    the last stages of mesopotmia
    Darius 1 became the ruler and divided the land into three different states and he called them satraps. Under the king Cyrus the Great, the Persians took control of the land. He allowed the Jewish slaves to return to their land of Israel.
  • Period: to

    Meso Meso

  • The Akkadians Come into Power

    The Akkadians Come into Power
    The Sumerian people were taken over by the Akkadians. The Akkadians established the Akkadian Empire. The Akkadians that led them in taking over the Sumerians was Sargon of Akkad.
  • The Wheel is Invented

    The Wheel is Invented
    As the people became smarter and learned more, they invented more items. They invented the wheel to make their vehicles roll.The Sumer people began using pictures for words, and they would draw the pictures to write sentences.
  • Sumerian start to settle in mesopotamia

    Sumerian start to settle in mesopotamia
    The Summerians began to form large city-states in southern Mesopotmia. Some of the powerful city states include Eridu, Bad-tibura Shuruppak are thought to be the first of the major cities formed and the oldest cities formed.
  • Temple are built for Gods

    Temple are built for Gods
    The Sumer people built temples called ziggurats to worship their gods. These temples for the gods were also used as shelter during floods. They began building large and powerful cities.
  • The Summerian move in

    The Summerian move in
    People called the Sumerians moved into the land called Mesopotamia. They planted crops and began farming the land.
  • First people of Mesopotamia

    Mesopotamia had been settled, chiefly by migrants from the Turkish and Iranian highlands. They were hunters and gathers most likely but it is unknown whether they were or not.