
  • Period: to


    This is a timeline in all of the events of Mesopotamia. All of the events go from 5000 b.c. to 6000 b.c. Hope you enjoy.
  • The Ubaid Period

    The Ubaid Period
    The region of Sumer was thought to have been inhabited in 4500 BCE. The settlers were not Sumerians though, they were people of an unknow origin who some call the Ubaid people.
  • The Sumerian King List

    The Sumerian King List
    The first ruler Sumerian King was Etena Kish who came to the throne really early. the Sumerians, especially King Etena Kish, thought that their civilization was the result of god's triumph of order over chaos. The Sumerian King tricked all of the people who believed in him. He told them all fake things telling them what he can and can't do.
  • The Rise of Cities

    The Rise of Cities
    When the first Sumerian civilization was established, they invented the wheel, writing, and the sail boat. It ended up being a huge success in the later years. The cities later then rose all together and became dominant. As the title, "Rise of the Cities."
  • The Akkadian Empire

    The Akkadian Empire
    The Akkadian Empire first rose in the Early Dynastic period. So later the Sumerians praised it. The Akkadian Empire was the centre of of all other smaller empires. Making it one of the biggest empires in that time.
  • Eridu Rise

    Eridu Rise
    The city of Eridu started to come up once everything started to collapse. The proto-Genesis tale of the garden was also found in Eridu. So after all the cities were through Eridu compltely took over.
  • Farming and pottery

    Farming and pottery
    This period was huge for farmers because more crops had a higher chance of becoming fresher. Some people call the start of this farming period "The Half Period." This farming period rose in northern Mesopotamia and Syria. Also pottery played a big role in this period as well.
  • Halaf Potters

    Halaf Potters
    The Halaf Potters used different types of clay to finish their pottery. They wanted to use the finest pottery to have the finest art. They all got their pottery from their neighbors which some neighbors knew they had, and some didn't.
  • Volcano

    In this time period it was not a good time period for France. A volcano called the volcano Puy-de-Dôme eruppted. It was a huge explosion for the French and they were all shocked. The volcano did not come with a good warning while it surprised everyone.
  • Dadiwan culture

    Dadiwan culture
    This culture came up in China and it was a big culture there. Dadiwan was built on a mountain slope and was discovered at Qin'an County, Gansu. This culture was a big deal to the Chinese and never wanted to disrepect it.
  • Vinča culture

    Vinča culture
    The Vinča culture was a huge deal in Europe and a major one too. This culture represents the material remains of a prehistoric society. That society settled near Europe.
  • The Finale

    During this time everyone decided to settle down. Most empires were done and cultures just continued to do what they did. The Rise of the Cities were through as well. Even the most powerful empire was through