Meriwether Lewis

  • Meriwether Lewis was born

    Lewis was born to William Lewis and Lucy Meriwether. He lived with his parents in Albemarle County, Virginia.
  • Lewis learns from Cherokee

    Lewis learns from Cherokee
    Lewis spent his years as a kid learning how to hunt and practice outdoor skills. His interest in nature came from living so close to Cherokee territory and often wandering over there to hunt. They taught him about medicinal herbs and berries.
  • Lewis joined the Virginia Rebellion

    Lewis joined the Virginia Rebellion
    Lewis, upon graduation, joined the Virginia militia. He was sent to assist in putting down the Whiskey Rebellion.
  • Lewis becomes captain and meets William Clark

    Lewis becomes captain and meets William Clark
    After the Whiskey Rebellion, Lewis was commissioned as an Ensign. He became captain in 1800. One of his commanding officers happened to be William Clark.
  • Received Promotion

    Received Promotion
    President Thomas Jefferson appointed Lewis to be his aide. Lewis moved into the presidential mansion.
  • Lewis goes on expedition

    Lewis goes on expedition
    Lewis wanted a direct water route out west. Then, he was asked by the president to lead the first expedition out west.
  • Lewis and Clark return

    Lewis and Clark return
    Lewis and Clark return from their journey to the pacific with a bunch of information. Including maps, and plant and animal specimens.
  • Lewis appointed Governer

    Lewis appointed Governer
    After the expedition, Lewis was appointed governor of the Louisiana Territory. He was appointed by President Jefferson.
  • Meriwether was buried

    Meriwether was buried
    Lewis was buried in a unmarked grave. It is still unknown if it was murder or suicide.
  • Lewis was killed

    Lewis was killed
    Lewis was shot at an inn early in the morning. He was found injured and died before sunrise.