The industrial revolution
The industrial revolution was when everyone started losing their jobs because the machines where doing everything and the people were not needed anymore and they started becoming poor. -
The American Civil War
The American civil war was when the Americans did not want to take the British convicts anymore and so they started a massive war and the Americans won so the British had to go look for some where to put their convicts and that's when they found Australia. -
The arrival
When captain Arther Philip arrived in Sydney cove to see if the land was suitable for the convicts and to see if it was good for them not to escape. -
The first fleet
The first fleet,was when they had to carry all the convicts on one tiny boat to travel to Australia and many convicts died on this trip from a disease or infection. -
The punishment
The punishment was when the convicts had to build Australia but thank goodness they did because if they did not we would not be standing were we are right now and their would not even be any Australia it would literally be empty boom nothing their so thank you convicts -
The Gold rush
The gold rush was when the British people found out that they were standing on gold and after they relied they were standing on gold everyone went nuts they all started booking tickets to come to Australia and then everyone started digging as soon as possible so they decided to try and make some money out of it so they had to pay to dig for gold. -
The Van Demains Land separation
The separation happened because their was a massive flood that destroyed everything and now that land is at the bottom of the ocean and Van Demains land (Tasmania) was a place where they put bad convicts that have to stay there and can not move.