
Menswear Timeline: Hats 1850-1900

  • 1850 Men's Hats

    1850 Men's Hats
    The bowler hat was invented around 1850, but was generally seen as a working class hat, while top-hats were favored by the upper classes.
  • 1860 Men's Hats

    1860 Men's Hats
    A light grey top hat was worn in the late 1860s for coaching or racing parties (and is still worn for Ascot Week in England).
  • 1870 Men's Hats

    1870 Men's Hats
    From the 1870s an increasing number of hats were considered suitable for informal wear. The Homburg, made fashionable by the Prince of Wales, was a stiff felt hat with a dent in the crown running from back to front, its brim bound with ribbon and curving up at the sides.
  • 1880 Men's Hats

    1880 Men's Hats
    A number of hats were available for men in the 1880s, the stiff-crowned hat shown below was worn frequently, often with the side brims turned up.
  • 1890 Men's Hats

    1890 Men's Hats
    The trilby, worn in the 1890s, had a similar dent in the crown like the Homburg but was softer with a wider, unbound brim.
  • 1900 Men's Hats

    1900 Men's Hats
    A similar hat to the bowler, with a hard square crown, was worn in the 1890s and 1900s. It was much favored by Winston Churchill, who continued to wear it into the 20th century.