Mens Apparel 1750-1790

  • Mens Apparel in the 1750's

    Mens Apparel in the 1750's
    Mens apparel in the 1750's included waistcoats, breeches, large cuffs, a lot of attention directly on individual suits, wigs for formal occasions, and long powdered hair.
  • Mens Apparel in the 1760s

    Mens Apparel in the 1760s
    Mens Apparel in the 1760's included frock coats, knee length breeches that fit tightly, and full shirt sleeves. Clothes served as an indication of one’s wealth and status in society. Hence, to be seen as fashionable and to possess a costly wardrobe was of the utmost importance.
  • Mens Apparel in the 1770's

    Mens Apparel in the 1770's
    Mens apparel in the 1770's included waistcoats that began to become a lot shorter. A loose T-shaped silk, cotton, or linen gown was worn by men during this time period. Men of intellectual or philosophical bent wore banyans rather than wigs.
  • Mens Apparel in the 1780's

    Mens Apparel in the 1780's
    During this time period the skirts of mens coats began to be cutaway in a curve from the front of the waist. Waistcoats were made with or without sleeves. Full dress shirts had ruffles of lace or fine fabric. Low-heeled leather shoes became very popular for men. Wigs were worn for formal occasions.
  • Mens Apparel in the 1790's

    Mens Apparel in the 1790's
    The long skirts of coats were cutaway in front, on the backside long tails remained. The top part of the coat did not change too much yet, however lapels did shrink a bit. Waistcoats with high collars were fashionable. Wool and silk continued to be popular fabrics. Around their necks were either an attached collar or a cravat wrapped stylishly. When it came to formal dress men still preferred to wear coats with heavy embroidery. Flowers continued to be a very popular design for silk dress coats.