Mennonite History

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Reformation Luther's 95 Theses

  • Mar 9, 1522

    Ulrich Zwingli (Sausage Meal)

  • Jan 21, 1525

    Konrad Grebel (First Re-baptist) Blaurock was the first to be re-baptised

  • Sep 28, 1525

    Peasant War

  • Jan 5, 1527

    Felix Manz (First Anabaptist Martyr)

  • Feb 24, 1527

    Schleitheim Articles Written

  • Aug 1, 1527

    Martyrs Synod

  • Jan 1, 1528

    Start of Hutterites (Communal living)

  • Jan 1, 1534

    Luther's Complete Translation

  • Jan 1, 1535

    Many Anabaptists fled to Poland

  • Apr 7, 1535

    Death of Anabaptist Radicals (Mennos Brother)

  • Jun 24, 1535

    Fall of Munster

  • Jan 1, 1536

    Conversion of Menno Siemens

  • Jan 1, 1536

    Menno left the papacy

  • Jan 1, 1540

    Menno's Book of Fundamentals

  • Jan 1, 1545

    Mennonites got their name

  • Jan 1, 1549

    Mennonites organized churches in Prussia

  • Jan 1, 1572

    First Mennonite compulsory military service

  • Hans Landis (Last Anabaptist Martyr)

  • First Mennonite Anabaptist in America

  • Beginning of the Amish

  • Start of Amish

  • They were allowed to build churches

  • 900 Mennonites emigrated from Prussia to Russia

  • United Mennonite Church was formed

  • Johan Cornies: Association for promotion of Agriculture-Industry

  • Period: to

    Mennonites moved to America

  • Mennonite delicates first arrived Canada

  • Mennonite persecution in Russia

  • Famine in Russia

  • MCC began helping ppl in Russia

  • First Old Colony and Sommerfelder migrated to Mexico

  • Period: to

    Russian Mennonites came to all Mexico

  • Canadian mennonites migrated to Paraguay

  • MCC helped people moves to Paraguay

  • Mexico government closed Mennonite schools. They went back to Canada

  • Death of the colonies in Russia

  • The great departure from Molotschna took place

  • Klein Gemeinde went to Mexico (Jagueyes)

  • Mennonites arrived in Argentina

  • Mennonites arrived in Uruguay

  • Fist Mennonites came to Bolivia

  • First Mennonites came to Belize

  • First CMM in Mexico (Steinreich)