Men's Apparel

By dsloan
  • 1850s

    The wardrobe for men in this era consisted of a jacket, trousers, a shirt, a vest, and a necktie. Jackets were long with narrow sleeves.
  • 1860s

    Clothing in the 1860s, changed only a little bit from the 1850s. The wide trousers were popular throughout this decade, with a baggier jacket style.
  • 1870s

    Again with men there is slight details to distinguish from the 1860s. The jacket of a suit continued to become less oversized during the 70s, with a closer fit and narrower sleeves and lapels. The large sack jackets were still were just buttoned at the top button allowing the vest and watch chain to be visible.
  • 1880s

    Short, narrowly fitted jackets with narrow sleeves became popular during these times. The lapels of the jacket were extremely narrow and small, and the jacket was closer to the throat, barely seeing the necktie.
  • Period: to


    Also in the 1880s, trousers became narrower during this time. They were usually black but occasionally had a bold strip pattern.
  • 1890s

    Around this time, men started wearing only readymade, mass-produced clothing. Ranging from work wear and casual wear to dress wear. Shirts were close-fitting with narrow sleeves. Shirt collars were small and stiff with small points. For casual attire, a black bowtie was frequently worn.