Men's Apparel 1850-1900

By kblagg2
  • 1850s Look 1

    1850s Look 1
    In 1850 we see long over coats and small ties. This style stays in trend for many decades following 1850s.
  • 1860s Look 2

    1860s Look 2
    Here we see the addition of the classic top hats, as well as the addition of canes.
  • 1870s Look 3

    1870s Look 3
    Here we see the same kind of suit as in the previous decades, however, the hat style has changed to a shorter rounder style compared to the traditional top hat.
  • 1880s Look 4

    1880s Look 4
    A new style of pant emerges in this decade. Pinstriped bottoms. This is the biggest change to happen in this half century.
  • 1890s Look 5

    1890s Look 5
    In this decade, we go from having pinstriped bottoms to a full pinstripe suit. We also move into the more western style clothing.