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Memories Evolution

  • First RAM chip

    First RAM chip
    They passed to the transitor which refreshed the memory a couple of times per second, The condensator could only hold 1 bit of binary data and electric charge. Robert Dennard was the inventor, an engineer of the company IBM.
  • SRAM

    SRAM(Static Random Access Memory) Could manage 256 bits, It needed constant energy to hold the information. It was faster than the DRAM but more expensive, and it also had less capacity.
  • DRAM

    DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), its cells refresh the information each millisecond.ITt was tvery similar to RAM, the one invented by Robert Dennar, but Intel was the company wich throw it to the market.
  • First SIMM Module

    First SIMM Module
    SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module).its a plate in wich DRAM memories were inserted leting it be more manuable.
  • Samsung introduce SDRAM and SDR

    Samsung introduce SDRAM and SDR
    It syncronized itself permitting it store 133MHz, and go faster than the other ones.
  • DDR

    Made by Samsung, DDR(Double Data Rate)had a size of 64Gb yes, too little, but it was twice the size of those of the time. Wiyh a voltage of 2.5.
  • Rambus release the RDRAM and RIMM module

    Rambus release the RDRAM and RIMM module
    It was created by Rambus but Samsung was one of its most important manufacturers. It was very atractive because of it memory bandwidth of 1.6 GB / s.
  • Sony and Toshiba make DRAM

    It was basically made for improve the video games development. It was use in PS2, Xbox 360, PSP, GameCube, Wii or iPhone. They marketed it with 32 Mb but 80 Mb existed
  • samsung creates the DDR2 memory

    samsung creates the DDR2 memory
    Samsung didn’t market it until 2003. It main evolution was the frequency and voltage: spent less energy and faster.It was introduced with two speeds: 200 MHz and 266 MHz.They weren’t the best one but got better with the pass of the time.
  • Video games demand memory

    Video games demand memory
    There was a big problem the video games demanded more than 4GB of RAN memory
  • DDR3

    It was manucfactured in Soutcorea but we couldn’t find it in the market until 2007. Brought a very important evolution: modules of 4 GB, 8 GB and 16 GB per unit. Not only that, the voltage was reduced to 1.35V and the frequency was increased until reaching 2113 MHz.Samsung and Hynix saved the gaming world!
  • DDR4

    This memory was a revolution for the moment dispite the prize was too hight. From 2,133 MHz to 4,800 MHz in frequency.
    A voltage from 1.15V to 1.35V.
  • Period: to

    Samsung and Micron create DDR5

    frequencies will start from 3200 MHz. According to SK Hynix, the maximum speed of DDR5 memories will be 8400 MHz. The capacity per module will be at least 8 GB, up to 64 GB. Also, improved voltage: 1.1V. Samsung will throw them to the market this year.