megan's chapter 9 timeline!

  • Planters overthrow the queen of Hawaii.

    Planters overthrow the queen of Hawaii.
    They wanted to control the sugar plantations in Hawaii. they wanted to gain control of Hawaii's people.
  • Spanish- American war starts

    Spanish- American war starts
    On April 21, 1898, the United States went to war against Spain. it involved the sinking of the USS maine.
  • Spanish-American war ends.

    the war ended and the war costed the untied States alot of $250 million and 3,000 lives,
  • Boxer rebellion occurs in china.

    Boxer rebellion occurs in china.
    A secret society of people. They attcked and killed thousands of chinese people.
  • Roosevelt becomes presidant.

    Roosevelt becomes presidant.
    He became presidant after Mckinley got assisanated. he was the vice presidant. and then became presidant.
  • Rebublic of Panama established.

    Rebublic of Panama established.
    An agreement was signed for the transfer of the canal from the US to Panama by the end of the century. Certain parts and responsibilities of the canal were eventually turned over to panama. The entire Panama Canal, the area around it, and the US military bases were transferred to Panama.
  • Russo-Japanese war began

    Russo-Japanese war began
    the japenese naval attacked port Arthur Japan demanded the island of Formosa, a heavy war indemnity, port Arthur and its hinterland.
  • William Howard Taft is elected president.

    Taft was the vice presidant under Benjamin Harris.
  • Mexican Revolution began.

    the people in mexico where getting tired of the dictator rule of president Porfino. most people from different classes fought against him.
  • Woodrow Wilson is elected presidant.

    wilson won the election.
  • Panama Canal opens.

    on august 15th the panama canal opens. ships were now able to get to and from places alot eisier!