My birthday day
Born December 1, 1983 at 9:25 a.m. at Annapolis Hospital in Wayne, Mi. I was 7lb. 13oz. with dark black hair. -
Period: to
Birth through death
Baptism (psychosocial)
I was baptised Catholic at St. Theodores Church in Westland, Mi. My Godmother is my mom's friend Wanda and my Godfather is my mom's brother Kevin. It is customary in the catholic church to be baptised within the month after you are born because the baby should not be outstide before he is baptised. -
first round of vaccines (biosocial)
I recieved my first round of vaccines at 2 months old. I'm sure I cried when I got stuck with that needle. -
2nd round of vaccines (biosocial)
At 4 months old I had to get another set of vaccines. -
3rd round vaccines (biosocial)
At 6 months old I had to get another set of vaccines. -
First word (cognitive)
My mother told me my first word was da da. -
Began Walking (Biosocial)
I started walking at 13 months old. I took a little longer than my older brother who started at 9 months old. I guess you could say I was a late bloomer. -
Secure attachment (psychosocial)
My mother said I became a secure attached child. I was very attached to my mom, not wanting to leave her side. -
Speak full sentences (cognitive)
My mom said I was able to put sentences together at around 2 years old. -
Started becoming shy (psychosocial)
At around 3 years old I started to become shy to strangers and even to people I knew. I would hide behind my mom when ever we walked into a room and cover my face with my hands. this lasted for several years. -
Broke my arem (biosocial)
When I was at my older brothers baseball game, I was playing on the slide in the park and I fell off and broke my wrist. I had to have a cast put on up to my elbow. I can't remember everything that happened because I blacked out at some point. I can remember people rushing to me when I got injuried, then having my hand x-rayed but thats about it. -
Started Preschool (cognitive)
I still remember some of my preschool days. The one thing I can remember is when my dad was driving me to school, I remember him pointing out a red fox in the woods and he taught me how street lights work. I thought that was so amazing back then. -
My first ear piercing (psychosocial)
My aunt Lisa took me after preschool to Westland mall to get my ears pierced. I remember screaming very loud and I could't stop crying so my aunt took me on a meri-go-round that they had in the mall at the time. -
Started to read (cognitive)
I remember my parents sitting on the couch with me and teaching me how to read. -
Started Kindergarden (cognitive)
Started kindergarden at Patchin Elementary in Westland, Mi at 5 years old. -
First time spending a night outside the house (psychosocial)
I met my best friend Heather when I was in Kindergarden and she was in 1st grade. I found out she lived right behind my house. I remember spending the night over there all the time. -
Repeated Kindergarden (cognitive)
I ended up having to repeat kindergarden because of my age and my birthday fell on the cut off date. So, if you are not a certain age by December 1 then you can't go on to the next grade level. -
started 1st grade (cognitive)
Started 1st grade at Patchin Elementary. I remember that I used to take this girls' set of crayons because I thought they were so nice. She always found them hidden in my desk. -
Baby sister was born (psychosocial)
My first and only sister, Sheylyn, was born on December 29, 1990 in Wayne, Mi. I was not there when my sister was born. I remember I was staying the night with my best friend in Ann Arbor, Mi at her moms house. My parents came to pick me up there a few days after my sister was born and I can still remember all the hair she had on her head. -
Started 2nd Grade (cognitive)
I started 2nd grade at Patchin Elementary but half way through the year my family moved to another part of Westland. I ended up starting school at Madison Elementary. I remember walking into class all by myself and feeling so nervous inside. I hated that experience. -
Speech problems (Biosocial)
When I started in 2nd grade, I would have to go to the Speech center once a week for about an hour during the school day to help with my "s" and "r". -
Started gymnastics (psychosocial)
I started doing gymnastics at Sokols in Dearborn, Mi. Sokol is part of my czechoslovakian heritage. Most of the people there are either czech or slovakian. It started with my Grandma on my Dad's side of the family. She joined when she was a little girl. I did gymnastics up until I was 14 years old. I competed a few times and won some 1st and 2nd place medals in my division. -
Started cheerleading (psychosocial)
I started cheerleading for the Westland Meteors, a city league, when I was 8 years old. I remained a cheerleader up until I graduated from high school. When I was on the Meteors I made homecoming queen when I was 13 years old. This was a special moment for me. -
Started 3rd Grade (cognitive)
I started 3rd grade at Madison Elementary school. I remember my favorite teacher was Mr. Beacher. He used to give out blow pops to students that did well on there multiplication test. I got a few blow pops. Also, at the end of the year the students that had the best results, he took out for ice cream. I was in that group too. -
Started 4th grade (cognitive)
I started 4th grade at Madison elementary. I remember the cool thing to do was collect pencils. During lunch time they had a pencil machine where you could buy pencils and people would trade pencils, kinda like baseball cards. Another thing I can recall is I brought mice to school and they got loose in the library. I got in a lot of trouble for that. At that age I loved going to the pet store that was down the street from me and buy all kinds of things such as: lizards, frogs, fish, mice, etc -
Started 5th grade (cognitive)
I started 5th grade at Madison elementary school. This would be my last year at elementary because they decided to move 6th grade to middle school. I remember I used to play a lot of soccer. -
First job: paper-girl (psychosocial)
At 11 years old I had my first paying job. I became a paper route girl for 2 years. I made some good money and it taught me how to save. -
Started 6th grade (cognitive)
Started middle school at Stevenson Middle School. My class was the first class to start middle school. Originally middle school was 7th through 9th grade but now it's 6th through 8th grade. -
My first boyfriend (psychosocial)
This was my first boyfriend. His name was Shane. We dated for a few months but it was only puppy love, nothing serious, too young. -
Started 7th grade (cognitive)
Started 7th grade at Stevenson Middle School. This was probably my best year of middle school. I joined the school band and I played the flute. I was ok at it. -
Started 8th Grade (cognitive)
Started 8th grade at Stevenson Middle School. This was a rough year for me in terms of friends. -
Bullied by other students (psychosocial)
I had an episode of bullying by some of my closes friends. I told my mom about it and she sat down with the other students and their parents and we straighten out the whole situation. The bullying ceased. -
Tried out for High School Cheerleading (psychosocial)
I had being cheerleading for the last 6 years so far, so I decided to try out for the high school team. I ended up making the J.V. team and I remained a cheerleader through all 4 years of high school. I cheered for basketball and football. -
My first Period (Biosocial)
This is the day I became a women. I remember my Aunt was in town from Florida and she explained the whole period thing to me. I started at my Dad's baseball game. So embarrassing. -
First time trying alcohol (biosocial)
This was the first time I tried drinking. I was at a friends party. It was something fun to do at that time. -
Started 9th Grade (cognitive)
Started 9th grade at John Glenn High School. This was an easy transition for me. For one thing I was on the cheerleading team and that puts you into the in crowd and you got noticed by others. Plus, my older brother was on the football team and he was well known. -
First time trying marijuana (biosocial)
My best friend got me to try marijuana. I've only done it a few times in my life. I thank God I never got addicted to it. -
Started 10th Grade (cognitive)
Started 10th Grade at John Glenn High School. This was the year I was going to get my license. -
Got my drivers license (cognitive)
I finally got my license. Before I took my road test, my grandpa took me out for a week to practice driving. It did me good because I passed the test. I was most worried about parallel parking. -
Got my first car (psychosocial)
My first car was the new Volkswagen Bug. I loved that car. Wish I still had it. All the girls were jealous back then because I had that car. -
Started 11th Grade (cognitive)
Started 11th grade at John Glenn High School. -
Lost my virginity (psychosocial)
This was the year I lost my virginity. I lost it to a boy that I really cared about and loved. Unfortantely he didn't feel the same. That was rough on me. -
Started 12th Grade (cognitive)
Started 12th Grade at John Glenn High School. This was a good year. -
First serious relationship (psychosocial)
Had my first serious relationship that last through some of my college years. This relationship was very unhealthy for me. My boyfriend was verbally abusive to me. I learned a lot from this relationship. -
Became a First Responder (cognitive)
I took a First Responder coarse at my local fire department in Westland. A First Responder is a trained person that can respond to emergency events before the paramedics come. They can increase the likelyhood for someone to live if they are seriously injuried. -
Went to my Senior Prom (psychosocial)
I went to Senior Prom with my boyfriend Tony. That was a fun night. -
Graduated High School (cognitive)
I graduated from John Glenn High School. We used Eastern Michigan's basketball Stadium for graduation. That was a fun day. I graduated 125th in my class and I had a 3.2gpa. -
Diagnosis with Cervical Cancer (biosocial)
I was diagnosis with cervical cancer. That was a scarey moment for me but I also found out that it was very common in young women. -
First surgery (biosocial)
I had to have surgery to remove the cancer from my uterus. It was a successful surgery. -
My partying years (psychosocial)
After graduating high school I began my college party years. I partied pretty hard from the time I was 18 till about 23 or 24. Those were good times. I had fun but I stayed out of trouble. -
Started College (cognitive)
I started college at Schoolcraft College. I was pursuing a nursing degree at the time. -
Started working at the Hospital (psychosocial)
I got my first job in a hospital. I worked at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in the CSR department as a surgical instrument technician. I have been there for 8 years and I currently work there now. I was 19 years old when I got this job. -
Broke up with my high school boyfriend (psychosocial)
I eventually ended my relationship with my high school sweetheart. That was a happy ending for me. I wanted to know what else was out there and I know that relationship was unhealthy for me. Best decision I have ever made. -
Transfer to another college (cognitive)
I transferred to Madonna University to start the nursing program in one more year. I still had a few more classes to finish up. But, I eventually stop pursuing nursing after being at Madonna for a year. I decided I wanted a Biochem degree and then I would apply to medical school. -
Graduated with my Associates (cognitive)
I graduated from Schoolcraft College with an Associates in Science. -
My first pregnancy (biosocial)
This was the first time I got pregnant. I had a serious boyfriend at the time but he ended up not being so serious after I got pregant. This was a dark time for me. -
First and only abortion (biosocial)
I ended up aborting my first pregnancy. I thought very long and hard about it for a few weeks. I discussed it with my friends and with my parents. I didn't really discuss it with my boyfriend because he wanted nothing to do with it. But he did want me to abort it. I feel that was the best decision I could make at that time. -
Started UofM-Dearborn College (cognitive)
I transferred to University of Michigan Dearborn to pursue my Bachelor's in Biochem. -
Met my Husband (psychosocial)
I met my husband on campus. I was walking to the engineer building, he was a student engineer. He just came up to me in passing and said hello. We spoke here and there in passing and eventually in May we started to date. I pushed him away a few times but he ended up winning my heart. One of the best moments in my life. -
Got Married (psychosocial)
Me and my husband eloped. We didn't have an official engagement. We kinda just said to each other, "lets get married". So we got married 7 days later in a court setting on Valentines Day. We had 4 of our closes friends there. We kept our marriage a secret from our friends and families for almost a year. It's complicated. -
Started RCIA (cognitive)
RCIA is a class you take to recieve your sacraments. I was baptised Catholic but had not recieved anyother sacraments. I wanted to be married in the church one day when we could afford a wedding so I had to go and recieve my sacraments first. -
My first apartment (psychosocial)
My husband and me got our first apartment together as husband and wife. We used to share an apartment with his cousin. We moved to Canton. -
2nd pregnancy (biosocial)
In November I found out I was pregnant. My husband and me were over come with joy. We were both so excited and couldn't wait to spread the news. This pregnancy also triggered us to tell our families that we were married. We didn't want our families to think we had a baby out of wed lock. Both of our families were happy for us. -
Miscarriage of 2nd pregnancy (biosocial)
I ended up losing the baby during my 12th week of pregnancy. This was a very sad time for me and my husband. -
2nd surgery (biosocial)
I had to have a D&C after I miscarried to make sure everything was out of me so that I wouldn't get an infection. It was successful. -
Graduated with my Bachelor Degree (cognitive)
I graduated in May with my Bachelors in Biochemistry. This was a very exciting time for me. All my family came out to support me on that day. My gift to me for graduating was a trip to Houston, one of my favorite places. -
3rd pregnancy (biosocial)
I got pregnant again in May. Me and my husband knew that we wanted a family so we tried again after my last miscarriage. This was a very exciting time for us. But, this time around we did not tell anyone the news till we were in the clear, after 12 weeks. -
Birth of my first son (biosocial)
My son was born into the world on January 29, 2011 at 2:57p.m. at Henry Ford Hospital in West Bloomfield. It was a beautiful experience. He weighted 6lb. 8oz and 19 in. long. -
Meet my mother-in-law (psychosocial)
My mother-in-law came from Nigeria to meet me and our son for the first time. It has been a wonderful experience. She is staying with us till August. -
Go to Nigeria (psychosocial)
This will be my first time to Nigeria. Our son will be coming with us. I'm so excited to meet the rest of my husbands family. -
Apply to PA school (cognitive)
I plan to apply to Physician Assistant school by the fall of 2012. -
Buy our First house (psychosocial)
I would hope to buy our first house in the Detroit metropolitan area. -
Pregnant with my 2nd Kid (biosocial)
I would hope to get pregnant will my second child. I plan on not finding out the sex of my 2nd child because I found out on my first, so I would like this to be a surprise. -
Graduate from P.A. School (cognitive)
I hope I'm done with PA School. -
Start my Career (psychosocial)
I hope to find a job in my career field. I would like to work for the Henry Ford health system. -
Move to Houston,Tx (psychosocial)
I would love to move to Texas at some point, definitely after I finish my Masters. -
Pregnant with my 3rd kid (biosocial)
I hope to be pregnant with my third child. -
Pregnant with my 4th kid (biosocial)
My final pregnancy hopefully. I always wanted 4. -
Get lasik eye surgery (biosocial)
I've been wearing contacts since I was 14 years old. I hope to correct my vision with lasik surgery because I hate wearing contacts. -
First Mammogram (biosocial)
This is probable when I will have my first mammogram. I think your suppose to have one when you turn 40 years old. -
Grey hair (biosocial)
I think this is when I will see my first grey hair but maybe not because I've been dying my hair red since I was 13. I have not seen my natural color since then. -
See my first child graduate High school (psychosocial)
I plan on seeing my first son graduate from high school. I hope that my parenting gets him to this point. -
Retire at 50 (psychosocial)
I would love to retire at the age of 50. I've had a job since I was 11 years old. I think I will be due for retirement. -
First Child graduate college
Hopefully my first child will graduate from college. -
Take up gardening (psychosocial)
I think gardening will be something I will enjoy plus since I will be retired I will have time to do it. -
Return to school (cognitive)
I think after retirement I may return to school for continue education -
First wedding for one of my children (psychosocial)
I hope to see one of my four children get married. -
Start menopause (biosocial)
I think I will start menopause at 55 years old. -
My first grandkid (psychosocial)
I hope to have my first grandkid by one of my children. -
Do lots of traveling with my husband. -
Children move out
Hopefully by this time all of my children have moved out, are married and have started their own families. -
Move to assitant living (psychosocial)
Me and my husband move into an assistant living facility. -
My husband passes (biosocial)
My dear husband dies at 85 years old in his sleep -
I die (biosocial)
I die of old age at the age of 88