Mega Floors Website & Collateral Project

  • Project Start- Logo Rough Drafts

    I will start with a couple rough concepts using the answers you provide on the logo questionnaire.
  • Period: to

    Logo Roughs

    On thursday (tomorrow) I should have 2-3 concepts ready for you to choose from.You choose one and I begin on the logo final.
  • Begin Logo Final

  • Period: to

    Working on Logo Final

  • Final Logo Finished

  • Period: to

    Website Design Begins

    I will begin on the first 2-3 pages of the website.(provided you have sent me the text and any images you need included)
  • First pages should be complete by now.

  • Period: to

    Website Design Continues

  • Rest of website is complete.Ready for any revisions

  • Period: to

    Working on any revisions

  • Business card design started

  • Period: to

    Business card designing

  • Business card design complete begin on postcard

    Business card design complete begin on postcard
  • Period: to

    Postcard designing

  • Postcard complete.Begin on email template

  • Period: to

    email template designing

  • Email template complete. Close of project for your review.

    Email template complete. Close of project for your review.