Jan 1, 1300
Europeans Heard of the Riches of Asia
The people of Europe read of Marco Polo's travels to Asia, especially Cathay (China). He wrote of his adventures, and the Europeans began thinking of all the riches there. -
Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Led His First Expidition West
He landed in the Bahamas Islands that he thought was near Asia. -
Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot Goes West
King Henry VII sent Cabot, an Italian living in England, on a voyage west. They were looking for the 'Northwest Passage', a water route through the Americas that would lead to Asia. -
Period: Jan 1, 1497 to Jan 1, 1498
Vasco de Gama Sailed to India
Vasco de Gama explored south, along the coast of Africa. He thought he would find a route to the Spice Islands - and he did. -
Jan 1, 1498
Columbus Found South America
Columbus went on another voyage and found South America. A map maker named the place after Amerigo Vespucci. -
Jan 1, 1508
Ponce de Leon began Settling Puerto Rico
The Spanish official in the New World explored and settled the island off Puerto Rico. -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce de Leon Explored Farther North
He landed in Florida and he named it after the Spanish word for 'flowers'. Then he sailed through the Florida Keys and along the coast. -
Jan 1, 1520
Ayllon Went on an Expidition
Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon, a Spanish official, had seen the mainland north of Florida during his expidition and wanted to plant a Spainish colony there. -
Period: Jan 1, 1520 to Dec 31, 1529
Spain was the Most Powerful Nation in the New World
Jan 1, 1524
France Goes West
King Francis I of France sent Italian navigator Giovanni da Verranzano westward. No more voyages were sponsered by France, due to military challanges. Verranzana landed in the Carolinas and thought he saw the Pacific (it was really the sounds of the Outer Banks). -
Jan 1, 1526
The Rio Jordan Colony Began
Led over 500 men, women, and children to a river he called 'Jordan'. The colony failed due to disease and starvation. They went to South Carolina, but did no better and returned to Hispaniola. Ayllon himself died there. -
Period: Sep 16, 1539 to Sep 16, 1540
Hernando de Soto spent the Winter Inland
Wanting to know more about the interior of North America, Hernando de Soto and his men went to the west coast of Florida and spent the winter near present day Tellehassee. -
Sep 16, 1562
France had a Colony
France started a colony of Huguenots (French protestants) under the command of Jean Ribault. The Huguenots sought religous freedom in the New World. -
Sep 16, 1564
The French Colony Gives Up
They settled in present day Port Royal, and they claimed the conditions were favorable. Despite that, they gave up and returned to France. -
Sep 16, 1565
Spain Sends Troops to Make a Fort in Florida