

  • 6-7 years old, 2006/2007

    6-7 years old, 2006/2007
    Books that has a collection of different stories. It is usually for children. It contains different genres of stories that are most of the time are as follows: fantasy, epic, legend, etc. When I was a young kid, I usually love reading these kind of books. This is the kind of media I only know back then. It was so pure and beneficial for me when I was a little. This kind of media is helpful to gain knowledge because mostly it focuses on basic language that will help children to read.
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    It is a programmable electronic device which can store, process and retrieve data or information. It is a technology based device that are used by people in modern times. I have been exposed to this kind of media at early age. In my opinion, computers as a media is not that bad when seeking for information and knowledge. It also became my source of communication. Computer became so popular because it contains all the things we need and we want to do.
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    Cellphones are telecommunication device that are usually a source of transmission. It transmits messages and calls over a networked area. Cellular phones or mobile phones became so popular. I have used keypad cellphones at a young age. It has been also my source of communication after the computer. In my opinion, It is beneficial for everyone to have phones as source of communication and entertainment. It is unless we abuse the use of it.
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    It is a popular handheld gaming console. It is wherein you can play different types of games. At that time, my kind of media is a gaming console. I can tell that it is really addictive. In my perception right now, gaming console like this is not so helpful for the generation as a media. It is because it only serve as an entertainment that cannot give us too much information and knowledge about important matters in our surroundings.
  • 11-12 years old, 2011/2012

    11-12 years old, 2011/2012
    Ebooks are electronic version of traditional printed book. It is wherein you can easily access different books without even using money. I have been exposed to this kind of media because it was accessible and vogue back then. In my opinion, ebooks are great kind of media because it can easily access information. It can also improve our writing skills through reading as well as our vocabulary. It can be beneficial because everybody can use it without spending money.
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    Television is an electronic device that transmits images and information while radio is a broadcasting or transmission of info as well as traditional printed publication which is newspaper. These kind of medium helped me with my social studies when I was in high school. In my opinion, it is serve as the primary source of information that we can really depend on. We should always consider the use of it even if there is an emerging new technologies.
  • 13-14 years old, 2013/2014

    13-14 years old, 2013/2014
    It is a camera that captures images in digital memory. A digital camera can store and record photographic images and videos. I have been exposed to this kind of media as an entertainment. In my opinion, cameras are not only for an entertainment but also for evidences of information that are seen by the naked eye. It can be consider as a reliable source of information or an additional information. It is not just for capturing images but also as medium of data.
  • 14-15 years old

    14-15 years old
    Tablets and iPads are electronic devices which is double the size of mobile phones wherein you can find a lot of different features . It is a media wherein you can do what ever you need like surfing, communicating, playing, etc. with an upgraded apps and features. In my perception, even if it is a technology based media, it can also be served as a source of information but everyone should be cautious in choosing liable ones.
  • 16 years old - Present

    16 years old - Present
    Android is a phone operating system which is developed by Google. As time flies, it offers a lot of high-tech and upgraded features. I have been exposed to this kind of media as a source of communication, information and entertainment. As a student, it is really advantageous because it offers almost everything and it is really accessible. It can be consider as any kind of media that is beneficial not just for students like me but also everyone who can also access to this.
  • 17 years old - Present

    17 years old - Present
    Social media are websites or applications wherein users are enable in creating or sharing contents in social networking. It includes facebook, twitter, instagram, and so on. I am currently using my social media accounts to access infromation, entertainment and most importantly communication. In my standpoint, social media's reliability is dependable to the source. We can trust what is in social media in a cautious manner. We should not abuse the use of it in order to be safe.
  • 18 years old - Present

    18 years old - Present
    Laptops are portable and handy personal computer. It also has the features offered by desktop computers. I have been exposed to laptops recently because of my studies. In my perception, it is good to have a laptop because it is compact and handy to use. It can be easily use by students because nowadays it will be easy to cope up from the requirements in school with portable laptop. On the other hand, this kind of media can also be beneficial in all aspects as long as it is used properly.
  • 18 years old - Present

    18 years old - Present
    APPLICATIONS (gaming, shopping, info, social / communication)
    Apps are software that are downloaded to mobile phones or computer with a specified purpose. These kind of media I have been exposed up until now is very favorable for everyone. Everyone seems so busy nowadays but with different apps, people's accessibility to anything would be easy. These would help everyone to cope up with important and personal matters. It will make everyone updated in my opinion in a good way.