1042 - Edward the Confessor
Edward the Confessor was king of England from 1042 to 1066. Edward’s death was to transform Medieval England and led to the reign of the Norman William the Conqueror with all that his rule meant to Medieval England – castles, the Domesday Book and feudalism.
.In January 1066, Edward died. He did not have any children and the fight for who should succeed him led to the Norman invasion of October 1066 and the Battle of Hastings. -
1135 - The Barons take different sides
After the death of William The Conqueror, the power struggles had begun to rise up among the barons because Henry I had died. The sides were taken in violent ways between Henry I,s daughter, Matilda and his nephew Stephan. -
Henry II takes the throne
After the fighting was over, Matilda's son Henry II had taken the the throne and reformed the judicial system, established a system of juries and instituted royal courts. -
Magna Carta Signed
Richard the Lionhearted has spent his ten-year reign fighting the Crusades. His brother John took over the throne when Richard died and sent the kingdom into bankruptcy. So to take action his was forced to sign the Magna Carta which limited the royal authority dealing with finaces. -
Parliament is created
Henry III son John set up an advisory council he later called parliament which met up regularly with the lord, nobles, and commoners. -
1337 - Hundred year war
During Edward III reign a war between France and England had erupted. The war was on and off for over a century. During the war, the English suffered a horrible disease called the Black Death. The illness killed more than 1/3 of the English population. -
1453 - End of the hundred year war
The hundred year war comes to an end when the English realize that they have a more important crisis. The throne. A war between Rose's tore the country apart as The York and The Lancaster, both rose symbols struggled for power. -
1485 - Beginning of a new era
The war of the Rose's ends when Elizabeth of York and Henry of Lancaster, marries and rule over England which starts the Tudor line and ends the Medieval Period in England.