Collapse of Roman Empire
The west half of the Roman Empire fell. -
Gregory the Great Becomes Pope
Period: 717 to 718
Siege of Constantinople
Umayyad Caliphate sieges the Byzantine empire. -
Charlemagne Declared King
Frankish king who expanded Frankish empire. -
Period: 990 to 1050
Guido of Arezzo
Developments in notation-- Guidonian notation with lines representing notes and clear pitches, and the Guidonian hand, and solmization using the first syllables of 'Ut quaent laxis.' -
Viderunt Omnes
Anonymous, responsorial/gradual. Emphasizes certain words, very long chant.
-Gregorian Chant
-Lydian mode
-Latin language [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=TEQw2BufNj8] -
Christe Redemptor Omnium
Anonymous, office hymn. Strophic form, longer melody.
-Gregorian chant
-Dorian mode
-Latin language -
Tecum Principium
Anonymous, office antiphon. No reciting tone.
-Gregorian chant
-Dorian mode
-Latin language -
Dixit Dominus
Anonymous, office/psalm tone.
-Gregorian chant
-Dorian mode
-Latin language -
Great Schism
Break between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church. -
Period: 1135 to 1201
Composer of organum music in the Notre Dame school, musician and poet. Credited with Magnus Liber Organi -
Period: 1140 to 1212
Comtessa de Dia
Trobairitz who composed 'A Chantar,' the only surviving trobairitz song set to music. Five of her works survive today. Was Occitanian. -
Period: 1150 to 1200
A Chantar
Comtessa de Dia, troubadour song.
-Occitan language -
Viderunt Omnes
Perotin, Organum Quadruplum
-Notre Dame school
-Latin language -
Period: 1200 to 1300
Factum est Salutare
Anonymous, Motet. Discant style
-Latin language -
Declaration of Magna Carta
First step to English constitutional government. -
Poet-composer in the Notre Dame school. Expanded on Magnus Liber Organi, four-part music. Composed Viderunt Omnes as an organum piece. -
Sumer is Incumen est
Anonymous, canon/rota. Six voices, pes.
-English polyphony
-Latin and Old English translations -
Period: 1300 to 1377
Guillaume de Machaut
Musician and poet in the Ars Nova. Wrote a mass ordinary, but also many secular motets. Over 140 of his works survive, which he collected in an illuminated manuscript, as well as portraits of himself. Worked at the Reims cathedral from 1340 until his death. -
Period: 1315 to 1317
Great Famine
Bad weather and crop failure across Europe. -
Rose, Liz, Printemps, Verdure
Guillame de Machaut, organum quadruplum, motet. Similar to courtly love in that nature is compared to a beautiful lady.