middle ages important events

  • Period: 400 to

    middle ages important events

  • 476

    The fall of western roman empire

    In 476 CE, a German Barbarian called Odoacer became in control of Rome, He became king of Italy and forced Romulus Augustulus to give up his crown. Lots of historians think that this is the end of the Roman empire.
  • 788

    Charlemagne attempts to invade Spain

    Charlemagne, king of the France, begins to invade Spain but is beaten by Basque tribes in the Battle of Roncesveaux Pass and returns to France
  • 913

    christians establish new capital

    Christians set up capital in Leon after northern Spain territories are retaken.
  • 919

    First use of gunpowder

    The battle of langshan Jiang is where gunpowder was used in a flame thrower
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    An official break between the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox churches which lasts to the present-day.
  • 1095

    Muslims envade spain

    On November 27 in 1095CE, Pope Urban II makes perhaps the most influential speech of the Middle Ages, giving rise to the Crusades by calling all Christians in Europe to start a war against Muslims in order to claim back the Holy Land, and yelled “Deus vult!” or “God wills it!”
  • 1215

    Magna Carta is signed

    the Magna Carta is a document created in 1215CE that limited the power of the monarch and established human rights for everyone in England. Signed on 15 June by King John of England in Runnymede, Surrey, Magna Carta was meant as a peace treaty between King John and his subjects and demanded that every person had to obey the law, including the king.
  • 1314

    The black death

    The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in 1314
  • 1315

    The great famine

    The great famine was the period of starvation
  • Columbus sails to the Americas

    Christopher Columbus leads a voyage westwards on the Atlantic Ocean, hoping to reach Asia. Instead, they land in the Caribbean, beginning the period of European settlement and colonization in the Americas.