Fall of the Western Roman Empire
Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1453
Medieval Europe Period
Jan 28, 610
Heraclius becomes Emperor in Constantinople
Heraclius becomes Emperor in Constantinople as the Persian is trying to take over the Byzantine civilization. Usally the ruling of Heraclius marks the beginning of Byzantine history, but it can also be argued that Byzantine civilization begins with Diocletian, Constantine or Justinian. Biography Link -
Jan 1, 1066
William the Conqueror claims England in the Battle of Hastings
Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1291
Jan 1, 1189
Richard the Lionheart, assumes the crown of England
Richard, the son of Henry II, assumed the crown of England. He ruled for ten years, but of that time that he ruled he was only present for six months in England. While Richard was gone, ministers took care of his country and made the taxes rise to help support the crusades. Biography Link -
Jan 1, 1347
The 100 year war between France and England began
A series of wars began that lasted for 100 years between the King of France and the King of England. After the period of 100 years, France ended up getting crushed by England. But then Joan of Arc, at the age of just 15, lead the french to victory. Biography Link -
Jan 1, 1347
Bubonic Plague begins to spread through Europe
Jan 1, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to Muslim Turks
Charlemagne becomes Emperor of the West
Charlemagne dies without a competent leader to take his place
Charlemagne died without a competent seccessor. So his only suriving son divided his father's land, which was his inheritance, between his own three sons. The sons got involed with civil wars and during these civil wars, they get invaded by Scandinavian Vikings, Hungarians and Muslims. Then the Carolingian Empire falls apart. Biography Link