2048px great wave off kanagawa2

Medieval Europe & Japan Under the Shoguns

By mm38816
  • 476

    End of Western Roman Empire

    End of Western Roman Empire
    Romulus Augustulus Steps down
  • Period: 500 to Dec 25, 1501

    Medieval Period

    Also known as Middle Ages
  • 590

    Pope Gregory Elected

    Pope Gregory Elected
    Pope Gregory changed the rules of the church.
  • Dec 24, 793

    Viking Raids

    Viking Raids
    Beginning of Viking Rids on England
  • Dec 24, 800

    Charlemagne, Charles the Great King of the Franks

    Charlemagne, Charles the Great King of the Franks
    Charlemagne became the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Dec 24, 888

    Viking Raid

    Viking Raid
    Vikings Raid of Europe
  • Dec 24, 900


    Feudalism Began