Medieval Europe

  • Period: Jan 1, 718 to Dec 31, 1492


    Reconquista was a battle between the Christian Kingdom and the Muslim Moors. It was to control Iberian Peninsula. It began when King Pelayo deafted the muslim army in Alcama. The Christains won the battle. Afterwards, they had more battles together. Isabella and Ferdinand defeated the Moors and ended the Reconquista.
  • Sep 28, 1066

    Norman Invasion

    There were three men who wanted to be king, King Harald, Earl Harold, and Duke William.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Battle Of Hastings

    The Battle Of Hastings
    The Battle Of Hastings was between William's French army and Harold's English army. King Edward had chosen Harold to become the next king before his death. And William disputed (to argue about something) him being king, so they went to war with each other. The aftermath was that William won the battle, and Harold was killed. Soon William became king.
  • Jun 12, 1215

    Signing of the Magna Carta

    The nobles thought that the laws were unfair, so they forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta allowed the nobles to gain certain rights. In the process King John was losing some of his power. The purpose for the signing of the Manga Carta was for the king to govern by the old English laws.
  • Jan 1, 1346

    Start Of The Bubonic Plague

    After five years this disease had killed twenty-five million people. And because of the black spots that appeared on their skin, they called it 'The Black Death'. The Bubonic plague spreaded far north in England. Sometimes it would come back smaller, but for centuries.
  • Period: Nov 1, 1478 to

    Spanish Inquisition

    The purpose for the Spanish Inquisition was to discover and punish converted Jews. They got rid of the non-believer and the Jews who protested. Isabella and Ferdinand didn't just kill the jews they tried to get the Jews to stop believing in other religions.