medieval europe 11th to 15 th century

  • 1031


    The Christians took advantage of the differences between the Muslims to conquer the territory and collect taxes and the most important taifas that emerged in 1031 were those of Seville, Toledo, Badajoz and Zaragoza.
  • 1035

    Sancho III dead

    Sancho III dead
    in 1035 Sancho III is dead
  • 1085

    Alfonso VI

    Alfonso VI
    Alfonso VI, King of Castile and Leon, took Toledo in 1085.
  • Period: 1128 to 1147

    Portugal independence

    The Kingdom of León was given to Enrique de Borgoña when he married the daughter of Alfonso VI. His son declared it independent in 1128 and it was established as a kingdom in 1143.
    The borders of the Kingdom of Portugal extended to the banks of the Tagus after the conquest of the city of Lisbon in 1147.
  • 1137

    Marriage of Ramon Berenger

    Marriage of Ramon Berenger
    The marriage of Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, ​​and Petronila, the young queen of Aragon, brought about the union between the Catalan counties and Aragon (forming the Crown of Aragon).
  • 1157

    Leon and Castilla

    Leon and Castilla
    The kingdoms of León and Castile spread over the lands of the Tagus, produced during the reign of Alfonso VII, although these kingdoms separated at his death in 1157.
  • 1212

    The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
    was a major victory for the Christian kingdoms and made the occupation of the Guadalaquivir valley possible. In this battle, the kings of Castilla (Alfonso VIII), Navarra (Sancho el Fuerte) and Aragón (Pedro II) fought together.
  • 1249

    End of the expansion of portugal

    End of the expansion of portugal
    Portugal reached the southern coasts of the peninsula in 1249 with the conquest of Faro, bringing the end of its expansion.
  • 1250

    Andalusian kingdom

    Andalusian kingdom
    there was only one Andalusian kingdom, the Kingdom of Granada, ruled by the Nasrid dynasty.
  • 1300

    economy of crhistian kingdom

    in the 13 th century, the ecoonomiy of tha crhistian kingdoms developed significantly
  • 1400

    demographic crisis

    Spanish Kingdoms suffered a serious deografhic crisis trought on by hunger. wars and the black death. This had a economic impact in Castilla.
  • 1410

    dead of King Martín I

    dead of King Martín I
    In the Crown of Aragón, King Martín I died without an heir in 1410.
  • 1412

    representatives of institutions

    representatives of institutions
    in 1412, representatives of institutions from every state in the Crown were convened to choose a new king.
    The resolution reached at this meeting, the Compromise of Caspe, meant that the House of Trastámara was put in place to rule Aragón.
  • 1492

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
    The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada lasted until 1492. It had a good economic situation, although it lost some territories close to the Strait of Gibraltar, such as Algeciras.
  • 1500

    crhstians wars

    crhstians wars
    Were marked by conflicts between Crhistians kingdoms and civil wars caused by rivality between noblility and the monarchy.