Medieval Europe

  • Jan 1, 1100

    The killing

  • Jan 1, 1299

    One of the worlds longerst surviving empires

    The Ottomans empires is one of the world longerst empire from 1299-1923
  • Jun 26, 1333

    Begins in asia

    the black death starts in china
  • Apr 2, 1336

    Young ruler

    Osman's son, Orhan, rules after his father's death. He gains control of Thrace in 1345
  • Jun 26, 1347

    Blach death begins in Eurpoe

    the black deathbspreads to the Eurpoe cuntries
  • Oct 1, 1347

    The Black deth

    The black deth arrives in Eroupe after spreading from China. It stared when the Chines Trading ships arrived( in the black sea) to Eroupe ,
  • Jun 26, 1348

    The Plauge

    the plauge bings and spreads
  • Feb 2, 1349


    Around 200 bodies died evryday because ofbthe black death
  • Apr 2, 1351

    End of black death

    The black death had finally come to an end. Even though 1000 of people died everyone was hppy it came to an end
  • Apr 2, 1356


    A war between the England and France begins directly following an occurrence of the Black Death in France.
  • Jun 26, 1360

    then end

    Black death ends on the way for a good recovery
  • Jan 1, 1454

    Italy divided

    Italy is divided into five major regions: Venice, Milan, Florence, the Papal States and the southern kingdom of Naples.
  • Jan 1, 1467

    Civil war

    Japan divided under Fedral lords
  • Jan 1, 1516

    The empire expands to Africa

    The Ottomans empire captured parts of Eygpt ( Cairo and Giza). After that the Ottmans relion spred around.
  • Classes

    okugawa Shogunate divided population into classes, based on importance
  • Odds with Persia

    Poor leaders continue, reducing the Ottomoan threat upon the European world. Fighting begins with the Persians and continues until 1639
  • Alowwed in Japan

    The only foreigners allowed into Japan were
  • The attack

    The Ottomans try to conquer Venice fails
  • Frist Windmill

    Frist ever Europen windmill was developed so they had elctricity and life was a little bit esier for them. European millwrights became highly skilled craftsmen, developing the technology. After that event millwrights were intoduced to windmill power world wide
  • Taking over

    Meiji Emperor took over, major changes occurred in political and social systems
  • The end

    1868- Shogun was forced to regsign and end the shogunate.