07 375 medieval dagger

Medieval Daggers

  • Jan 1, 700


    The seax was a very lethal dagger with a comfortable wooden handle. There were many types of daggers incluing the seax. The seax varied in size and description and there was more than one kind of seax. As you can see, most of the other daggers came in late so the seax was the most popular one.
  • Jan 1, 1200


    A misericorde was a long, narrow knife, used in medieval times to deliver the death stroke or to seriously injure a knight. The blade was thin enough so that it could hit the opposition through the gaps between armour plates.
  • Jan 1, 1200


    Hiebmesser is German for cut knife or hunting sword. This isn't a very common dagger but was certainly, without a doubt, one of the most dangerous. It varied from 20 - 30 inches long and was used by a lot of European parties back in the Middle Ages and further on.
  • Jan 1, 1250


    The baselard (basilard) was a German and French dagger used in the Midlle-Late Middle Ages....
    There isn't much to say about the Baselard and there in't much infomation on it either. All I can gather is that it was basically just like the other daggers back in those times.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The bollock was a kind of dagger that was used in a similar way to the Dirk. It was similar size to the Dirk too. The only difference...the shape. The bollokc (hence the name), resembles a male's penis. The handle has to oval swellings at the guard making it look like it is. The bollock was used by the scottish and English.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The Anelace was a rather large dagger and was highly considered a sword but still remained in the 'dagger' group. Again, unlike the Seax, an anelace wasn't very common, but with two sharp edges and a pointy tip, well, I certainly wouldn't want to get in range of it!
  • Jan 1, 1400


    Again, just like many others, the Stiletto was highly regarded as a sword. It was big enough in length and width but just like the others, it stayed within the dagger group. As mentioned before, the Stiletto was a long stabbing weapon and was a good mid-long range dagger. It had a nice comfortable handle which made it so popular for knights.
  • Jan 1, 1460


    As shown in the picture, the rondel has a weirdly shaped handle. It had a slim cylinder and the bottom of the handle and another one at the top of the handle, giving the knight/user a directed area to place their hand. Generally, the rondel was a black dagger. It wasn't a famous dagger back in those days. Check for yourself by looking up 'rondel in google images'. Nothing much comes up.
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Unlike most other 'daggers', this dagger actually looks like a dagger not a sword! The Dirk was a Scotish Dagger and was used more i the later Middle Ages. This particular dagger was used as a utility weapon and like most daggers, was used to 'finish him off'!