Mittelalterliches ständebild 15. jahrhundert

Middle Age

  • 324

    New city

    New city
    The roman emperador Constantine found the city of Constantinople in 324 AD. This city had a great cultural and political influence for many centuries
  • 395

    Divided the Roman Empire

    Divided the Roman Empire
    In 395 . The Roman Emperor Theodosius divided the Roman Empire between his two sons:
    · The Eastern Empire : Arcadio have survived a thousand years more as the Byzantine Empire.
    · The western Empire : Honorio by the Germanic tribes who formed independent kingdoms.
  • Period: 476 to 1050

    Early Middle Age

  • Period: 527 to 565

    Byzantine Empire

    This Empire is under the rude of Emperor Justian and his wife Theodora.
    He recorquered many westerm territories , like Adriatic Sea , North Africa ,Italy and South - east of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Period: 570 to 632


    Muhammad had born in Mecca in 570 AD and he die in 632 AD.
    Orphaned as a child , he travelled among the caravans for years as a merchant.
  • 622

    Islamic Empire

    Islamic Empire
    The Islamic Empire it started
  • 622


    His opposition to polutheism provoked the hostility of the authorities i Mecca, so Muhammad fled to Medina , where he formed the first Islamic community
  • Period: 632 to 945


    The evolution of Islamic Empire
    - First caliph 632 - 661
    · Capital Medina
    - Umayyad caliphate 661 - 750
    · Capital Caliphate
    - Abasid 750 - 945
    · Capital Bagdad
  • 711

    Iberian Peninsula

    In 711 islamc peaple arrived Iberian Peninsula
  • Period: 1050 to 1250

    High Middle Age

  • 1054

    Art of Byzantine Empire

    The church of Hagio Sophia in Constantinopla was a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture.
    A schism or sptit in 1054 AD ( by the middle of 11 th century) marked the separation between Catholic , orthodox and Roman Christianity .
  • Period: 1250 to 1492

    Later Middle Age