Medicine Over the Last Fours Hundred Years

  • Smallpox Vaccine

    Smallpox Vaccine
    Edward Jenner
    This vaccine prevented many people from getting smallpox and smallpox is eradicate in the U.S
  • Contact Lens

    Contact Lens
    Adolf Fick
    People use contacts or glasses everyday.
  • Aspirin

    Felix Hoffman
    Aspirin is used everyday for things like headaches and body pain.
  • Influenza

    J.S Koen
    Still a very common illness today and can still kill people.
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming
    I chose this medicine because it was the very first antibiotic and it change the course of medicine.
  • Heart Lung Machine

    Heart Lung Machine
    John Gibbon
    This machine has helped people with lung and heart problems.
  • Ebola

    Dr. Peter Piot
    Ebola is a very virus that has caused problems in the world. Researchers are still looking for a cure
  • MRI

    Raymond Vahan Damadian
    This machine helps detect abnormalities in the body.
  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    Team: William Johan Kolff and Robert Jarvik
    It helps people during heart transplants or are permanently place in people in place of their hearts.
  • HIV

    Research groups led by Robert Gallo, Luc Montagnier,Dr. Jay Levy HIV is still a serious virus that can leads to AIDS.