Medication Research 21st Century

  • Synthetic cells

    Synthetic  cells
    Craig Venter. Created a synthetic cell that contains the smallest genotype. An array of synthetic cells of nanoscale molecule go into engineered vesicles granting them to transfer and Artificial DNA code into RNA. They duplicate cell viruses and help the cells that are needed to help protect the body.
  • Bionic prosthetic

    Bionic prosthetic
    Dr. David invented the Bionic Prosthetic. In a small study with people who lost body parts, he researches that illusionists provide feedback about the prosthetic movement. Researchers are developing a new technology remaining the muscles, nerves and spinal cord to get messages from the brain and to move that body part. They make it more comfortable for you to have new advancements and greater technology. Its a success in many countries to get stronger
  • HIV Cocktail

    HIV Cocktail
    In 1983 French scientist Francoise- Barre-Sinoussi discover HIV cocktail in 1985 was the first HIV to become popular commercialized. W. Helped change an automatic death sentence for chromatic minable diseases. It even changed in the last 2 years Increased the great number of non-diseases plus more treatments, drug resilience testing, High viral load counts a low CD4 count
  • Human Genome project

    Human Genome project
    invented by James Watson. It was a goal to sequence nucleotide base pairs that make up Human DNA. The human genome contains approximately 3 billion of these base pairs, which reside in the 23 pairs of chromosomes within the nucleus carries the cells. Each chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes( DNA,) which carry tor making proteins
  • Elketa Axese

    Elketa Axese
    Professor of Neurosurgery at the Karinska institution in Stock-holm, Sweden, with his son Laurent. Researched Elketa Asese since 1940. Brain radiation therapy is a treatment option, it also shows the healthy brain tissue and radiation damage that may have some negative effects. In addition, brain radiation interrupts the chemotherapy treatments that are so important to maintain a tumor in control.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    James Thomson and Jeffery Jones invented Stem cells in 1998 where they develop cells in the body and different cells of a multicellular organism which is capable of giving more cells that are the same type of cells. It affects our health because it remains a system for the body to retain its self.
  • 3D printed body part

    3D printed body part
    In 1999 scientist Wake Forest Insatiate To Regenerate Medicine used a 3D printer to build a synthetic scaffold THe 3D body part Replaces a body part from another person. Helps replace body parts to enhance a body part for that person to use and see how it affects them in that way.
  • Nano-medicine

    In 1959 Richard Feynman created Nanomedicine In 1999 was first to publish. Nanomedicine is the branch of medicine with the use of a nanotechnologist. engineers see tiny medicines that will prevent disease in the human body. Plus decupling a dramatically potentially dramatic change in medical science. It involves nanoparticles to enhance drug treatment.
  • Artificial liver

    Artificial liver
    Kenneth Matsumura created the Artificial liver in 2001. Instead of the artificial liver, blood circulates the body instead of researchers show that it can circulate outside of the body and it ensures that the right functions are working properly for the liver. The benefits of an Artificial liver would be to lower the need for liver transplants because the donor's heart needs the stuff it needs to survive.
  • 23andMe

    Linda Avery, Anne Wojcicki, Paul Cusenza created 23andMe in April 2006 but the test has launched the US in November 2007 Test Genetics and where you are from and who you're as a person and can even retrace where you get the disease. From reports, it tells you if you have any variants associated with an increased risk of developing certain health conditions.