Research or Torture
In 1906 U.S. Army doctors in the philippines infected five prisoners with the bubonic plague and Beriberi ( Vitamin B1 Deficiency) into 29 prisoners. of those four "test subjects" died. Professor Richard Strong of Harvard Infected 24 Filipino prisoners with cholera which also had the plague. This was done without consent or knowledge of the prisoners and what started medical science in prisons. -
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San Quentin Prison
Dr. Leo Stanley was chief surgeon of the San Quentin Prison and performed over hundreds of experiments on prisoners. Many of these experiments were Stanley Taking the testicals from exicuted prisoners and inplanting them into living prisoners. In others, Stanley would take testicals of Rams, goats and boars and implant them into living prisoners. Stanley focused on sterilization and believed his experiments would control crime and rejuvenate old men. -
Victims for science
Dr. Joseph Goldberger, today is remembered as a health hero by recruiting Mississippi inmates to go on a special diet. trying to prove that pellagra was caused by a dietary deficiency. These inmates were the first to be given pardons for participating and not just tested for no reason. Most studies conducted in the early 20th century were considered eccentric but if inmates wanted to be tested on they should be given something in return not just a disease or death. -
Malaria ward in Statesville Penitentiary
Army Doctors exposed inmates to malaria-carrying mosquitoes and infected them to see how fast and curable it was. They were told that nothing bad would happen and would be able to be cured but in other instances most inmates got very sick and they still went on with the experiment. Saying it was for the better good but not thinking that inmates are still humans and should not be experimented on. -
U.S. studies in Guatemala
Researchers used prostitutes to infect inamtes and Guatemalan soldiers with syphilis and other STD's. Trying to see how effective penicillin was on treating these STD's but this was taken way out of proportion. Researchers then started pouring inoculations down men's penises and faces to see the effects. over 700 people were infected in this study and was sponsored by the public health services. Inmates need rehab not experiments done on them. -
Holmesburg Prison
Solomon McBride was the medical administrator in Holmesburg Prison human research. they would take "test subjects" normal inmates just trying to get help or get out but with these test it wasn't about keeping them safe. They would see what different reactions people had and would took notes in what people would experience. -
Brown v. Plata
In the state of California Around 80,000 people are in prisons across the state and in the time of this court case it was almost doubled that. These prisons were falling apart because of the overcrowding and that's when Plata appealed to the supreme court and stated what was happening. Saying the prisons were violating inmates eighth amendment rights and not giving half the medical attention inmates need. Fighting for over 15 years on this case and to my knowledge the changing point in prison.