Medical timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    Egyptian Health Records

    Egyptian Health Records
    The Egyptians were one of the first people to start keeping health records. Today health records are so important that we know what to give each patient and how to treat them.
  • 3000 BCE

    Religion for "Treatment"

    Religion for "Treatment"
    This has probably been one of the most stupid treatments. Using words is not going to cure someone. They weren't and some still are not allowed to have some medical operations such as blood transfusions. People would die because their religion won't let them do certain things. So I would put this down at the last spot.
  • 1500 BCE

    Egyptian Leech Therapy

    Egyptian Leech Therapy
    Leech therapy originated in Egypt around 1500 BC. It was used to treat skin diseases, infections, oral problems, and nervous system abnormalities. It worked great for them and this technique is still used today. I think if it was that good then it has to be really important especially if it made a huge movement in medical history.
  • 1350 BCE

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance known as the "rebirth of science and medicine" was a huge breakthrough in medical history. During this time people started directing people and looking more into the human body. This made it easier for doctors to tell what is going on with the body. The causes of diseases were still a mystery but the average life span went from 30 to 40 so they were obviously doing something right.
  • 460 BCE

    Hippocrates theory

    Hippocrates theory
    The Renaissance known as the "rebirth of science and medicine" was a huge breakthrough in medical history. During this time people started directing people and looking more into the human body. This made it easier for doctors to tell what is going on with the body. The causes of diseases were still a mystery but the average life span went from 30 to 40 so they were obviously doing something right.
  • 100 BCE

    Chinas pin/needle therapy

    Chinas pin/needle therapy
    Pin therapy started in china in 100 BC. It is called "Acupuncture". I think this is the most important because it effectively treats pain and treats it in other areas. It strengthens the immune system and even during chemo therapy.
  • 1346

    "Bird Masks" during the bubonic plague

    "Bird Masks" during the bubonic plague
    When the plague started in Europe, rats were carrying diseases. They were carrying a bacteria called y-pestis. It wiped out a third of Europe's population. During this time there were plague doctors. They have on this mask shaped like a bird beak, a gown, gloves, goggles, and big boots. I think this was a huge movement for medical history because of the smart thinking to protect themselves. Had protection from touching people, masks made to keep off bad air, and more.
  • The Microscope

    The Microscope
    The Microscope was made for scientists and let them see viruses or bacteria. But first, it was to get a close look at things. It made the discovery of microorganisms! This is still even used today and it helps doctors/scientists see what kind of virus is growing or what kind of bacteria something may be. I think this is one of the greatest things that has happened medical-wise due to its ability to help us know what sickness looks like or is caused by.
  • Vaccine

    The first vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner in 1796 for smallpox. This started Vaccines by sticking people with the disease so they can build up their immune system to fight or become immune to the disease. It is still used today and is very helpful. There are all kinds of vaccines like for the flu or for covid.
  • The Stethoscope

    The Stethoscope
    The stethoscope was first invented in 1816 by Rene Laennec. This device makes bodily noises louder to where you can hear them. Doctors still use this today. They help hear the heartbeat and breathe. I think it is important because it is a thing used in every doctor's checkup and it is a basic tool for it.
  • Anesthesia

    Anesthesia was invented by William T.G Morton in 1846. This was used to put patients to sleep and make sure they don't feel anything during surgery. It is a huge part of today's Medical and has improved greatly since then. I think it is important because people used to die of shock when they didn't have anything like anestesia.
  • Heart Surgery

    Heart Surgery
    Heart surgery was first discovered by DAniel Hale Williams in 1893. This surgery is a very huge one. It has a huge survival rate today at 96%. I think this was one of the most important discoveries because you have to be careful with the heart and back then it was very hard to do.
  • X-rays

    X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. X-rays Are used today in hospitals to detect broken bones and other types can do other different things. This has become really important because without them we wouldn't be able to see much.
  • The Discovery of DNA

    The Discovery of DNA
    DNA was discovered by Friedrick MIescher in 1896. DNA is what tells us where we came from and our genetics. It is used today as well with more improvements. We have places where we can get our DNA tested and see the family background and see what illnesses we are more prone to. This is very important because it can help us look out for things we might get in the future.
  • Maggot Therapy

    Maggot Therapy
    Maggot therapy was used in the war in napoleons army. They found that treating wounds with maggots will help them heal better. It was a great discovery because not many things can help with scarring tissue.
  • Insulin for Diabetes

    Insulin for Diabetes
    The first treatment for diabetes, insulin, was invented in 1921. This insulin gets injected into the upper arm, buttocks, stomach, or upper arm. It gives you the insulin that you need because diabetics don't produce enough insulin. This is very helpful and is used today. Without it people with diabetes can die.
  • Antibiotics

    Antibiotics were invented in 1928, or at least first seen. It was created by Dr. Alexander Flemming. They help with fighting bacterial sickness/infection. They are still used today and they are way better now than they were.
  • Nursing

    Florence Nightingale is the founder of nursing. Nursing has helped save millions of people including in wars. It has helped being cleaner or more organized. Today nursing is a huge part in the medical feild.
  • Cancer Treatment

    Cancer Treatment
    Cancer is one of the reason most people die today. The first case that was ever seen was in Egypt a long time ago. The first treatment was invented and x-rays helped point out If someone has cancer. These treatments don't always work but they are effective for some. There is no certain cure but this treatment is the closest we've got right now.
  • Hypothyroid Treatment

    Hypothyroid Treatment
    In the 20th-century thyroid, medicines were made. This disease called hypothyroidism was discovered by Theodor Kocher. This helps bring your thyroid levels back to normal. Hypothyroidism causes a lot of things like depression, low energy, hair loss, weight gain, and more. This treatment is very important because many people have it and it helps stay alive.