
Medical Technologies of the 21st Century

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    Medical Technologies of the 21st Century

  • Nanomedicine

    Nanomedicine is medical research that focuses on nanoparticles (NPs) for prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications. Nanomedicine offers potential solutions into treating cancer, cardiovascular, and nondegenerative diseases, and illnesses. Medical researchers began this study in the late 1900s and today are working to improve the data.
  • Vaccinations

    The first vaccination that took place was by Edward Jenner who created the vaccine for smallpox. There are multiple of vaccinations today that are currently being developed or even modified for better use or for better outcomes. Vaccines clinically target infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, cancers, autoimmune diseases, allergies, or other conditions.
  • Artificial Heart

    In 2001, the first device implanted in a human starting clinical trials. This device replaces the heart with enough time for a suitable heart transplant while it puts out the same traits as a heart to keep the patient alive. In 2006 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave approval for AbioCor TAH to make transplant indications. AbioCor TAH is the heart-like device that was created by SynCardia temporary.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    In 1990, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Energy joined together on naming over 3 billion letters in the human genome; which is the completed set of DNA or (Double Helix Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid). This partnership had finally completed it's task in 2003.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    In 1998, stem cell biology was in a restricted area of science with basic science and clinical implications. In 2003, stem cells were a matter of discussion with religions, ethical, political, and economic implications. Stem cells are defined as self-renewing progenitor cells that can generate one or more specialized type. Also, they help replace dead cells in order to keep the limb in tact.
  • 23andme

    23andme is a privately held personal genomics and biotechnology company based in Mountain View, California. It was founded in April 2006 by Anne Wojcicki. In 2007, 23andme became the first company to begin offering autosomal DNA testing for ancestry. This company focuses on DNA and what it does and what it could do to help us.
  • Bionic Prosthetic

    Bionic Prosthetic
    In 2007 the world's first fully articulating bionic hand was invented by Touch EMAS. Touch Bionics was founded by David Gow who had a position at the Bioengineering Centre at Princess Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh in 1981. Gow conducted international recognition for a partial hand system in 1993. The artificial hand was call the iLIMB Hand. Bionic Prosthetic can come in any type of limb that helps us do daily tasks; which performs the tasks of what was currently there.
  • Facial Transplant

    Facial Transplant
    Allographs of the face have become a reality thanks to breakthrough in anatomy and plastic surgery, HLA system research, microsurgery, neurology, and immunosuppressive molecules. In 2010, two teams performed the first total face transplant in the world. Facial Transplants helps repair the damage on a face, or for beauty purposes.
  • Augmented Reality in Medicine

    Augmented Reality in Medicine
    Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technological system that allows inserting virtual contents in the real world in order to run in the same representations and enhancing the user's sensory perception of reality. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) was the first to use an AR system. The Ar system started in 2004 and lasted until 2014 which was conducted by Juan. This program lets us preform medical procedures in reality instead of real life consequences.
  • Health Tracking Apps

    Health Tracking Apps
    There are multiple health tracking apps out there that all have been developed at many different times. The spike of being healthy sparked developers into creating these health tracking apps was near 2015. Health tracking apps could consist of checking or counting your pulse, heartbeat, amount of steps taken, speed, etc. We use these apps to stay healthy or to stay in shape so that we live happier and healthier lives.