Medical Marijuana

  • California Becomes First State to Legalize Medical Marijuana

    California Becomes First State to Legalize Medical Marijuana
    "Voters in California [pass] a state medical marijuana initiative in 1996. Known as Proposition 215 it permits patients and their primary caregivers, with a physician' s recommendation, to possess and cultivate marijuana for the treatment of AIDS, cancer, muscular spasticity, migraines, and several other disorders; it also protects them from punishment if they recommend marijuana to their patients."
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    Legalization to the states

    First stop California in 1996 to Alaska, Oregon, and Washington Become 2nd, 3rd, and 4th States to Legalize Medical Marijuana in 1998. Then Main in 1999, to Hawaii, Colorado and Nevada in 2000. Montana in 2004, then Rhode Island in 2006, to New Mexico in 2007 and Michigan a year later. New jersey, Arizona and DC jumps on board in 2010. Delaware in 2011 and Connecticut in the following year along with Massachusetts.
  • Court Rules in Conant v. Walters

    Court Rules in Conant v. Walters
    After California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, the US government threatened to take away the medical licenses of physicians who recommended the use of marijuana. US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 3-0 ruling in the case Conant v. Walters prohibited. The US Supreme Court denied an appeal, so physicians maintained the right to discuss marijuana with their patients.
  • AARP Poll Finds That 72% of Seniors Support Medical Marijuana

    AARP Poll Finds That 72% of Seniors Support Medical Marijuana
    Nearly three-fourths of Americans middle age and older support legalizing marijuana for medical use, according to a poll taken for AARP...
    Among the 1,706 adults age 45 and older who were polled in November, opinions varied along regional and generational lines and among the 30 percent of respondents who said they had smoked marijuana. AARP members represented 37 percent of the respondents.
  • Presbyterian Church Approves Resolution to Support Medical Marijuana

    Presbyterian Church Approves Resolution to Support Medical Marijuana
    "This resolution declares support for the medicinal use of cannabis sativa (also known as marijuana), and directs the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to actively urge the Federal government to amend and adopt such laws as will allow the benefits of marijuana treatment for such diseases as cancer, AIDS, and muscular dystrophy."
  • Washington Expands List of Medical Professionals Authorized to Recommend Medical Marijuana

    Washington Expands List of Medical Professionals Authorized to Recommend Medical Marijuana
    "More medical professionals will be allowed to authorize the use of medical marijuana for qualified patients under a measure signed into law by Gov. Chris Gregoire.
    Gregoire signed the bill Thursday [Apr. 1, 2010] and it takes effect June 10.
    It adds physician assistants, naturopaths, advanced registered nurse practitioners and others to the list of those who can officially recommend marijuana for patients under the state's medical marijuana law.
  • US Dept of Veterans Affairs Relaxes Marijuana Rules for Vets

    US Dept of Veterans Affairs Relaxes Marijuana Rules for Vets
    The US Department of Veterans Affairs releases a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive (15 KB) on July 22, 2010 saying that veterans who participate in legal state medical marijuana programs will no longer be disqualified from "substance abuse programs, pain control programs, or other clinical programs."
  • DEA Places Five Synthetic Cannabinoids into Schedule I, Citing "Imminent Hazard"

    DEA Places Five Synthetic Cannabinoids into Schedule I, Citing "Imminent Hazard"
    The popularity of these THC-like synthetic cannabinoids has significantly increased throughout the United States, and they are being abused for their psychoactive properties as reported by law enforcement, the medical community, and through scientific literature.
  • DEA Again Rejects Craker's Application to Grow Marijuana for Government

    DEA Again Rejects Craker's Application to Grow Marijuana for Government
    DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart upheld her earlier decision in an Aug. 8, 2011 ruling, stating: "Lyle E. Craker, PhD (Respondent) hasrequested that I reconsider the Final Order I issued on January 7, 2009, which denied his application to become registered as a bulk manufacturer of marijuana... Respondent has failed to demonstrate that the Final Order contains any erroneous material findings of fact or conclusions of law.
  • Medical Marijuana Reduces Fatal Car Accidents

    Medical Marijuana Reduces Fatal Car Accidents
    Comparing traffic deaths over time in states with and without medical marijuana law changes, the researchers found that fatal car wrecks dropped by 9% in states that legalized medical use — which was largely attributable to a decline in drunk driving...
    The authors also found that in states that legalized medical use, there was no increase in marijuana smoking by teenagers — a finding seen in other studies as well.
  • Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Raids on Medical Marijuana Clinics

    Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Raids on Medical Marijuana Clinics
    The suits were filed in November by marijuana suppliers and patients in each of the state's four federal judicial districts. They relied on the Justice Department's October 2009 memo to federal prosecutors [known as the Ogden memo] that said they should concentrate on drug trafficking networks, and 'should not focus federal resources' on individuals who followed their state's medical marijuana law
  • LA City Council Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Unanimous Vote

    LA City Council Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Unanimous Vote
    The Los Angeles City Counted voted 14-0 to ban marijuana dispensaries.
    Under the ban, each of the 762 dispensaries that have registered with the city will be sent a letter ordering them to shut down immediately. Those that don’t comply may face legal action from the city. As many as 900 dispensaries will be affected by the new ordinance
  • Federal Court Hears Case to Change Schedule I Status of Marijuana

    Federal Court Hears Case to Change Schedule I Status of Marijuana
    The US Court of Appeals is reviewing the Drug Enforcement Administration's 2011 rejection of a 2002 petition seeking to reclassify marijuana's status in the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is currently a Schedule I narcotic – a classification reserved for substances with no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse
  • US Appeals Court Denies Medical Marijuana Reclassification Challenge

    US Appeals Court Denies Medical Marijuana Reclassification Challenge
    "The United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a ruling today [Jan. 22, 2013] in the medical marijuana reclassification case, Americans for Safe Access v. Drug Enforcement Administration (370 KB). In a 2-1 decision, the Court granted standing in the case -- the right to bring a claim against the federal government -- but denied the legal challenge on the merits, agreeing with the government's assertion that 'adequate and well-controlled studies' on the medical efficacy of marij
  • South Dakota Voters Reject Medical Marijuana Measure

    South Dakota Voters Reject Medical Marijuana Measure
    On Nov. 2, 2010 voters in South Dakota rejected Measure 13, which sought to legalize medical marijuana for people suffering from debilitating medical conditions, 63 percent to 37 percent. Four years earlier a similar measure was voted down by a margin of 52 percent to 48 percent.