tracheotomy -
Period: 200 to
Timeline in medicine
1 jan 500,middle ages bagan
science began to replace peoples belefies in spirtual or superstitiuos cuases for illness doctors bagan to keep -
barber surgons
cut hair preform surgrey. i barbor pole sybol is popularizid practices blood letting served with the military and treated injuries sustained in battle. -
Sep 10, 1300
islamic hospitals
health ccare for the sick -
Sep 10, 1400
jacoba felicia trys to practice medicine but is denied -
use of scienctific method began
the scinectific method started on this day -
robert hooke
reflective microscopes -
antonie van
she started micrscopic bacteria -
francis bacon
she bagan using microscopic to discover plague fleas -
edward jenner
discovered 1st vaccination -
john snow
stops outbreak of cholera -
marie curie
discovers science of radioactivity -
bubonic plague
this hits san francisco -
alexander fleming
he discovers penicliin -
first HMO discovered
first HMO discovered -
salk discovers polio vaccine
salk discovers pollio vaccine -
WHO declares smallpox eradicated
WHO declares samllpox eradicated -
medicare improvments for paitents and providers act MIPPA provides incengnivitent for parcterours who use electronic health records and e-precibeing -
Rhazes discovered diffrence between smallpox and measles.
used intill the 1800's -
christain monastaries founded to treat the ill -
medical care becomes regulated