Medical Investigations

  • Period: 200 to

    History of Medicine

  • 500

    Difference between veins and arteries

    Difference between veins and arteries
    Arteries and veins do different things and becomes more research of the body.
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500

    Middle ages

    Middle ages began and lasted 500-1500 CE
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Considered surgery

    Considered surgery
    In the medical field they considered surgury as a profession
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Black death was cause by rats and alot of polution. Was the largest plague it wiped out half of the Earths population
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance began and lasted 1400-1700 CE
  • Jan 1, 1500

    The invention of the printing press

    The invention of the printing press
    Printing press was invented. Helped by publishing books, new discoveries, and faster news.
  • Sep 10, 1550

    Pare intruoduced loss of blood

    Pare intruoduced loss of blood
    Pare Introduced tying arteries after amputationg to stop the loss of blood.
  • Zacharias Jansson built the first compound microscope

    Zacharias Jansson build the first compund microscope
  • William Harvey publish a new theory about heart acts

    William Harvey publish a new theory about heart acts
    William Harvey published a theory about heart acts as a muscular pump that circulates around the body in the blood vessles
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

    Industial Revolution began in the late 1800 and lasted earlty 1900 centry
  • Elizebeth Blackwell First woman

    Elizebeth Blackwell First woman
    Elizebeth Blackwell was the first woman to have a medical degree.
  • Joseph Lister was ridiculed for insisting to use carbolic soap

    Joseph Lister insisted ofor doctors to use carbolic soap to disinfect instruments and clean hands before doctors move to another patient.
  • Felix Hoffman creats aspirin

    Felix Hoffman creats aspirin
    Felix hoffman invents a pill called aspirin. It is used to relieve pain
  • Robert Koch discovered Joseph Lister was correct

    Robert Koch discovered Joseph Lister was correct
    Robert Kock discovered that pathogens is the source of some diseases and proved Joseph Lister was right doctors should wash hands and disinfect instrauments before going on to another patient.
  • HIV and AIDS is identified

    HIV and AIDS is identified
    HIV the virus that causes AIDS is discovered
  • First vacine for lyme disease

    First vacine for lyme disease
    The first vacine for lyme disease is invented
  • Found rapid growth in healthcare

    Found rapid growth in healthcare
    Discoveries in electronics and computer science. Advances in chemistry, enginering.
  • Period: to

    Modern Times

    modern times began in 2000 and still continuing
  • First draft of human genome

    First draft of human genome
    The human genome is announced
  • Rhazes discovered difference between measles and smallpox

    Rhazes found the differences between small pox and measles by building ideas of Hippocrates.