Period: 500 to
Medical History
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
The Middle Ages
Sep 10, 1000
surgery is considered a proffesion
Sep 10, 1030
influential eclyclopedia
Sep 8, 1200
hospitals were based off muslim and christian religion
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 8, 1300
Islamic hospitals; health care for the sick
Sep 3, 1400
Frenchwomen Jacoba Felice tries to practice medicine but is denied
Sep 8, 1400
the printing press was invented and made making books easier
Sep 10, 1400
medical books
Zacharias Janssen invents the microscope
use of scientific method begins
Robert Hooke - refilective method
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
studies of the human body started to take place, and many beliefs were corrected.
John Hunter found the pathological anatomy
the first blood infusion was performed.
joseph lister found antiseptic medicine
first vaccine for anthrax
first vaccine for rabies
Period: to
Modern Time
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
first HMO insurance
AZT is used to combat AIDS
Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment
scientist discovered how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells
Rhazes discovered difference between small pox and measles
small pox