Period: 500 to
History of Medicine
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
The Middle Ages
Sep 8, 1253
School of Salerno was created by monks
Sep 8, 1300
Islamic hospitals; health care for the sick
middle ages -
Sep 8, 1348
Black death in England
middle ages -
Sep 8, 1400
Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied
middle ages -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Sep 8, 1504
epidemic broke out among French troops: Syphilis
Use of Scientific Method begins
Robert Hooke-- reflective telescope
Anotonie van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Francis Bacon uses to discover plague fleas
Edward Jenner discovered the 1st vaccination
Typhoid outbreaks
Health of Towns Association
aimed for improving public health -
John Snow stops outbreak of cholera
Robert Koch discovers cholera germ
Period: to
Modern Times
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
Salk discovers polio vaccine
Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer approved by the FDA
MIPPA provides incentives for practitioners who use elecrronic health records and e-prescribing
The first FDA approved impanted AbioCor artificial heart placed in a patient on June 24. Patient died August 23
Rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles