Period: 500 to
History of Medicine
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
The Middle Ages
A tracheotomy is a process of making an incision on the anterior aspect of the neck and opening a direct airway through an incision in the trachea -
Jan 1, 1140
Roger Of Sicily forbade anyone from practicing medicine without a license
Jan 9, 1167
University of Oxford created
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
The Renaissance
Jan 9, 1300
Medical Univirsities in Western Europe developed
Jan 1, 1400
Woman denied practice of medicine
Jacoba Felicie, from France triedt to get into the practice of medicine, but was denied bc woman -
Jan 9, 1500
Invention of printing press
to make medical procedures and other medical related things very well known to the public -
Scientific method came into Europe
Robert Hooke created first reflective microscope
Microscope invented
Edward Jenner had frist example of vaccination
He took pus from cowpox and put it into a boy's open wound, therefor making him immune to smallpox. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Period: to
Modern medicine
4 major outbreaks of typhoid fever
The use of anesthesia was discovered
Sterilization was brought into the medicinal world
Joseph Lister insisted on the use of carbolic soap to clean and disinfect hands and tools -
Wilheim Conrad discovered the ability to produce x-rays.
Felix Hoffman invented use of asprin
Earle Dickson invented bandaid
Insulin first used with diabetes
John Hopps invented first cardiac pace maker
a genetic finger print method was invented
Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi aka Rhazes discovered the difference betweent measels and smallpox.